Super Moderator
Here is an article I wrote up to walk you through installing grip heaters.


Thanks to those here who helped me through the process. I added a thanks and a plug to www.600cc.org at the very bottom of the page too. I hope I got everything right in the process of writing it all out.

I wish they would let me add actual pictures throughout the process... even though i didn't take any, haha.
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Cold weather coming! Grip heaters make a world of a difference! :cool:

Stay warm!
Link was dead. Now fixed. Thanks bleedinblue for letting me know.
Can someone re-update the link to this? I am looking to install heaters on my grips but am a bit confused between the grip versions versus the bars. I can see the grip being fine for the clutch side but not sure how to do it for throttle since most things I see are either ATV/thumb based or meant to heat the whole handle bar section.

Arizona - too damn hot in the summer and quickly too cold in the winter. Sure its great when the suns out but when your used to 115 in the summer suddenly 48 degree's on a early morning is no fun on the hands.

The writing website I had all my articles hosted on shut down and took all the content with them. Rather upset about that. I never got an email saying they were shutting down and they gave a short window to come and get your content which I apparently missed. All is lost. :mad:
Funny I saw your other post recommending them and ordered a pair. Unfortunately it was after I posted here asking for the updated link. I didn't change the request because I figured extra info before I installed the Oxford's couldn't hurt. Thanks for the tip too because they just arrived and I was reading the install instructions just now.
I just bought the oxford and was wondering if the install is as easy as it sounds. Any issues with getting the original grips off and especially the throttle tube? Also these don't have too high a draw for my fz06r 2009 do they? I think it is 48 watts.
