Givi V35 Side Case Photos (mounting brackets, etc)


New Member
Here's my contribution to the collection of Givi V35 side case photos. There were some particular details that I could not find in existing photos, so hopefully someone will find this helpful.

Can you spot the mounting brackets? This is all that you can see on the bike when the quick-removal frame is off. On each side, there's two mounting points under the passenger grab-rail and one mounting point just behind the passenger foot peg. Once the mounting points are installed, the frame can be installed or removed in about a minute or two.










Here's the optional soft bags. They fold flat. They're good for packing lots of stuff into them so you can easily shove the whole bag into the side case without spilling stuff every time you open the case. It's also nice to be able to carry your stuff in the soft bag rather than carrying the entire hard case. They come with shoulder straps (not pictured). Each side has a thin zippered "pocket" the size of the entire bag, good for stashing paperwork, postcards, etc. They even have plastic feet on the bottom.



And some close-ups of the side case...

It has elastic straps in there:

A small Shoei modular helmet inside for size reference:

And the soft bag fits in there with with a small amount of room to spare. I suspect it will fit with no problems even if the soft bag is stuffed to the limit.
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Looks great - thanks for taking the time to post pics! Your efforts and those of others make this forum a great place to get info on our bike! :D
Thank you for the pics! I have a couple questions. How much does a setup like that run you? And is there any way that you could post up pics of what the insides of the cases look like? I am a pipefitter and those would be really nice for ridding to work if I could fit my hardhat, vest, handtools, ect. in there.
How much does a setup like that run you? And is there any way that you could post up pics of what the insides of the cases look like? I am a pipefitter and those would be really nice for ridding to work if I could fit my hardhat, vest, handtools, ect. in there.

I got mine from for $767, including the optional inner soft bags and shipping.

Side cases: GIVI V35 Monokey Side Cases

Fitment kit: Givi PLXR364 side case Fitment Kit for the Yamaha FZ-6R 2009.

(The title of the fitment kit incorrectly describes it as a top case mounting kit as of this posting. Don't worry; it's the right item for mounting the side cases on the FZ6R).

I'll try to get some detailed pics of the cases themselves tomorrow.

Do these bags make my butt look big???

Yes :)

Here's my contribution to the collection of Givi V35 side case photos. There were some particular details that I could not find in existing photos, so hopefully someone will find this helpful.

Can you spot the mounting brackets? This is all that you can see on the bike when the quick-removal frame is off. On each side, there's two mounting points under the passenger grab-rail and one mounting point just behind the passenger foot peg. Once the mounting points are installed, the frame can be installed or removed in about a minute or two.










Here's the optional soft bags. They fold flat. They're good for packing lots of stuff into them so you can easily shove the whole bag into the side case without spilling stuff every time you open the case. It's also nice to be able to carry your stuff in the soft bag rather than carrying the entire hard case. They come with shoulder straps (not pictured). Each side has a thin zippered "pocket" the size of the entire bag, good for stashing paperwork, postcards, etc. They even have plastic feet on the bottom.



And some close-ups of the side case...

It has elastic straps in there:

A small Shoei modular helmet inside for size reference:

And the soft bag fits in there with with a small amount of room to spare. I suspect it will fit with no problems even if the soft bag is stuffed to the limit.
I know this is an old post, but I just got a bike like this one and would love to buy these brackets and side bags. Do you have any idea where can I order, or if maybe I could buy an used one?

Thanks in advance!
