Getting "Hit On"

Freaking Applebee's Waitress hitting on me like crazy right in front of my wife! Saying how she loves tall men, loves Italians, blah blah blah... I just want my food so I tried to be more of an a$$ than usual & it just made her hit on me even more...

When we left, chick actually walked over & said "hey can I get a hug before you leave"? So the wife says to the waitress "Can you make it any more obvious that you want to suck my Husbands C*ck"!!!!!!! Oh the humanity! My wife never talks like that to anyone haha it was priceless!!!

Needless to say, I turned down the waitress for a hug & my wife probably doesn't want to go back to Applebee's now... They have a decent sampler too :banghead:

Lol, might as well take the wife to hooters, probably get treated with more respect. I just know that my gf would still somehow end up blaming me.
LOL Whenever we go to Twin Peaks, I get more "love" than my boyfriend does so taking her to Hooters is definitely worth a try! :D
I've been riding for quite some time and you will find out that there are some people (men) that absolutely cannot stand women riders and some that think it's the biggest turn on ever. I have had guys offer to ride ***** behind take all kinds to make the world go 'round.
It's been a while since I've gotten hit on by a guy. Used to happen all the time, my wife laughed hysterically.
Couple years ago I was riding a Ninja EX500, going down Lawrence Expressway on the way home from work. These guys in a slammed rice rocket started honking the horn, yelling, and screaming at me. They were following me for a while, making a scene. I pulled into the gas station to fill up, where they actually followed. I took off my helmet, looked at them and just shook my head... they took off with the quickness!

They probably thought I was a hot biker chick with long black hair swaying in the wind... to find out that it's a short burly asian guy growing out this hair to donate with scruffy facial hair... LOL... :rolleyes:
I was getting seriously hit on by a woman (still sporting a significant ring) at Bed Bath and Beyond last week.

She was asking for all sorts of advice about what to buy, saying something about how she never had to do this before because "the staff" always took care of such things, but she was moving out this week and had to figure it out. I almost pursued it, but realized that:

- The ring she was still wearing probably cost more than I make in a year. Maybe two.
- Her outfit was at least a month's income for me.
- The "improvements" to her chest probably cost more than my car.

Ex-trophy wives in Los Angeles are an interesting breed, and one best avoided. More so the more high-maintenance they are. I walked out -- unintentionally -- at the same time she did. Me to my CR-V, her to the brand new Range Rover.

Somebody else can do the honors on this one and given that it was a week ago, probably already has.

A friend refers to BB&B as "the Divorce Store."

I dated a girl in college who while attractive, was not a "trophy wife". Very nice girl, very thoughtful and sweet. Unfortunately, she was used to mommy and daddy taking care of her. During summer break, I told her that I had to go mow the lawn. She was completely confused by that - she said "what do you mean, don't the men come and do it?" I was equally confused.

"what men?"
"the men who mow your lawn."
"Ummm, I mow my lawn."
"Why? the men do it."

It was at that point I realized that we grew up in two very different worlds. I also realized soon after that, that I needed a different kind of woman, and that chasing "trophy wife" material was for men with far more patience than me.
