Getting "Hit On"


New Member
Ok...this is for all you cool chicks out there who ride...just wondering if this happens to you very much...

Last week, I took the bike to the dealer for a look-see at my rear tire which seemed to have a slow leak. Since I didn't want to sit inside in one of those boring dealer lounges, I'm standing outside by the service entrance, wandering around, stretching my legs, & just basically killing time waiting. This dude rides up on his loud, black Harley & is also waiting but he's talking on his phone so if he wants everyone around him to hear his conversation...which I don't. When he gets off the phone, he walks over to me & starts hitting on me. I start texting on my phone & trying to ignore him but he just keeps on talking to me! Even turning away from him doesn't deter him. I go inside the office & start asking questions of the guy behind the counter & Harley-guy follows me inside...still talking, trying to get me to go look at his bike, asking me my name, trying to give me advice, etc. He gets another call, goes outside, talks a bit, gets off the phone, starts up his bike as if he's going to leave, turns it back off, comes back inside & starts talking again. While he's outside, I tell the guy at the counter to keep talking to me & maybe Harley-guy will leave. At this point, I'm thinking, WTF - what if he tries to follow me when I leave? I'm a very new rider so it's not like I can do a burn-out, flip him off & peel out of there while he eats my dust.

Look, I'm not paranoid & I don't mind some friendly conversation but I was alone & it kinda freaked me out. I felt like he crossed the line & I felt afraid to leave especially since he was all done & basically seemed to be waiting while I finished up. Do any of you chicks have concerns like that about riding alone?
So I take it your hot, lets see some pics so we can judge haha :justkidding:

that would be a little creepy, I had the same kinda problem last weekend kinda, and I am a guy haha!!!

I went out to a bar with my lady, (who I am now married to) and it was for my best friends birthday.. So we get there and there is this girl there, she always wanted to date me or "somthing" but I never wanted anything to do with her because she was about the sluttiest woman I know.. So we get to the bar and this chick is wasted and she starts hanging all over me asking me to take her for a ride.. I kept telling her no and I didnt even ride the bike that night!!! She was completely drunk and probably high as well.. So I keep ignoring her and my wifey just thinks its funny because she knows I am uncomfortable and at the same time would never do anything..

As the night goes on I am out side having a smoke with the wife, as we are both chain smokers when we drink think its disgusting when sober.. So this crazy chick TACKLES me, yes TACKLES me and screams if you dont give me a ride how about I ride you!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!! My wife is stunned shock and almost instantly a police officer that was parked outside came to my rescue, and I told him how she has been harassing me all night and I have just been ignoring her, and he asked if she just made a sexual advance towards me, and i said yes, and he cuffed her and took her into custody!!
That really sucks. Sorry you had to endure that with the creep. I'd suggest carrying some pepper spray with you. That will give you plenty of time to pull away. ;)

There's no need for that crap in any lady's life.
^^ohmigod Hilarious. Sorry.

As for guys hitting on you, Yes it happens and can be creepy. I usually call someone on the phone and just tell them to talk to me for a few minutes. I can't stand acting like a b*tch so I try all ways to avoid that. Even the cute guys hitting on you can get old sometimes.

*Guys we don't mind SOME appreciation but ya'll are not all idiots*:D
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Yeah I get hit on a lot when I have my gear on. Sometimes it creeps me out because some of these women look like a total mess! But I always try to be nice and have a good but short conversation with them. It sure gives me an ego boost.
If you are good friends with any of the guys at the dealership, you could have leaned over and given him a light kiss on the cheek. That might send the "buzz off" flare into the air. lol :justkidding:

Or, you could have politely told the Harley-guy that his bike makes too much noise for it to be an enjoyable ride. :D

No, in all seriousness, I have found that being honest up front is always better than ignoring and giving the cold shoulder. Some guys may interpret that as "hard to get" rather than "get lost."
That really sucks. Sorry you had to endure that with the creep. I'd suggest carrying some pepper spray with you. That will give you plenty of time to pull away. ;)

There's no need for that crap in any lady's life.

Great idea!! I do have some pepper spray & had completely forgotten I had it! I'm going to make a note to myself to get it out & keep it with me. This is why I usually ride when the BF is available but he wasn't that day.

Yeah, I don't want to deal with that crap at all....friendliness, fine....but feeling like you're being preyed thanks.
As for guys hitting on you, Yes it happens and can be creepy. I usually call someone on the phone and just tell them to talk to me for a few minutes. I can't stand acting like a b*tch so I try all ways to avoid that. Even the cute guys hitting on you can get old sometimes it happens, I had to leave the bike there so when I had a chance, I escaped to the ladies restroom, called the BF, asked if he was busy & he said 'Yeah'; then I said, 'This harlely guy is totally hitting on me...' "I'm on my way", he says, hangs up & shows up in 20 minutes...yeah, he saved the day! The ending was totally cool.
So... which of you were there on the "closet" bike bothering Kjaersten? ;)
I've been followed home a few times by drunk women...had things yelled at me at stop lights...had a guy follow me one time too:eek:

I don't think it was the biker thing though...I think it was the @$$less chaps I always wear lol:justkidding:
I kinda had something like that happen to me. I had my coworker drop me off at my dealership because I had some accessories put on my bike. And there were two guys fully geared up with helmet face masks lifted up watching every move that I was doing. As I was walking over to my bike, I looked over, they waved and started their way towards me. One started to talk to me from a distance. I immediately turned around and walked into parts. I stayed in there for about 10 minutes and I finally saw them ride away.

Then I get "checked" out all the time while on the road. Maybe they're just looking at my gorgeous bike;). But I have plenty of pink on, so I'm sure they know I'm a girl. Then I actually had been followed to work by another biker guy. It was weird. He followed me about a mile. Making every move that I made.
When my wife rides with her pink leather pants she gets quite a bit more attention. So far it's only been on the road but she thinks female bikers don't get the same respect males do on the road. I like the pepper spray idea and will probably suggest she keep some on her when she's riding alone. You never know when someone will cross the line like harley guy.
Then I get "checked" out all the time while on the road. Maybe they're just looking at my gorgeous bike;). But I have plenty of pink on, so I'm sure they know I'm a girl. Then I actually had been followed to work by another biker guy. It was weird. He followed me about a mile. Making every move that I made.[/QUOTE]

I don't mind guys watching me ride or anything on the road but I can't stand when they are stupid like saying "do a wheelie" "Let's see what it's got" and all that other bull. I try not to roll my eyes but it just happens:D

As for other riders getting behind you and following you that I understand because I have a natural urge to fall in behind to ride together. Maybe I am creepy:D
i noticed more people tend to wave and stare when I am riding 2 up with the lady.. She has a black/pink jacket and a black/pink helmet..
just tell him you are not interested and he will probably go away. take no chances though. good call by contacting the BF.
I too get checked out somewhat frequently on the bike, but it's always been by girls. Just the other day, I had a bunch of high-school age-ish girls in a suburban waving and yelling stuff to me at a stop light. At times, its kinda flattering, but other times it gets stupid i.e. the girls are almost a decade younger than me and yelling "ow ow!". Another not so flattering moment was when my buddy and I were on our way back to his place from a dealership so that we could lube my chain, and this big fat girl in the car next to us was asking if she could go for a ride. My buddy quietly made the comment that his bike's suspension isn't rated for 3/4 ton loads. We had a good laugh, but this chick kept asking us over and over until we finally got through the traffic and got away from her. All in all, it's part and parcel of being on a bike. The non-riders will always stare, always yell stuff, always say stupid things, and always ask for a ride. The only difference is in their execution.

As riders, we need to be firm, yet polite. If someone is bugging us, tell them as such and ask them to leave us alone. If they ask us to do something stupid or dangerous, tell them no and ride away. Dont be an a$$ about it, but dont wuss out either. The majority of people in this world will respect you if you level with them in a polite, assertive manner. For the rest, take whatever steps neccessary to make sure you make it home safe. If that means losing them with the bikes speed/agility, do it. I'd rather get stopped for riding too fast than be turned into red stain on the pavement.
