FZ6R Wasted


New Member
Welp my beauty had a short life (purchased Feb 2013) and will be missed. I put a staggering (for me) near 10k on her already.

She was rammed from behind this morning, thanks to gear (FirstGear thermo suit, w/ armor) I walked, ok limped, away. Worse thing I seem to have is a swollen ankle and a slightly tweaked knee (both on right side).

I was slowing to make a left turn, while in 'suicide lane' (that's what the cop called it)(It's a turn lane between 2 lanes either way.)
Before I commited to turn, I looked in left mirror, and seen a grey small suv coming up FAST. I aborted turn and tried to hit gas, but it was too late, I was struck. Lady admitted to not looking in front of her, as she got in turn lane and decided to not turn there. She was looking over shoulder, to make sure lane clear, started to change lanes and that is when she hit me. Her words "As I turned my head back suddenly there was a bike, I tried to hit brakes but it was too late".

The lady that hit me, luckily, didn't run off and was a very sweet older woman. She was so apologetic and willing to help in any way! Was very glad she didn't take off..if she did I would never had chance to get her plates.

As for the bike, I will probably never be seen again :(
I believe the sub-frame was bent up and to the right. Rear rim is blown a huge piece was on ground and split in 3 other spots. Right side didn't look real bad, thanks to the T-rex sliders, but I didn't get a good look. I think the front forks had a dent, and possibly bent.
Will get a full report in a few days I guess, gotta deal w/ ladies Ins.

I am not sure I will be getting the bike fixed / replaced, or keeping off a bike until spring at least did go through my head.
so glad your ok, i really want to rant about this lady and people not paying attention in general but i wont.
so glad your ok, i really want to rant about this lady and people not paying attention in general but i wont.

Agreed, but at least she was responsible and stopped/stayed at the scene. Around here the MF'ers would have kept going.
Ouch sorry to hear that! And glad to hear you're ok.. see you could do everthing right but someone else can mess it up in a heartbeat.. hope you heal up quick
Atleast you walked out of that!
Great to hear your not to bad,
Let your ride be written off and spend the healing time finding a new ride
Glad you're ok man that's the most important thing. Heal up fast, you can always buy another bike when you feel like getting back on.
Good your ok for the most part.
Glad she owned up to her parts, most lie.
If you get ready to buy a bike there are still 2012's available might save you some cash.
First of all, glad you're ok. This is one reason why I sorta dislike riding during the fall/winter months. People are barely conscious of motorycles during the spring/summer and it seems MUCH less during the fall. SpawnXX has the right idea though.
Glad to see you walked/limped away from that encounter. Hopefully it won't deter you from hopping back on another bike. It all comes with the territory unfortunately. And if this is your last ride, I could really use that one piece thermal suit of yours. Getting to work in the morning is getting hella cold. :D

Sorry for lack of replies, and this short one.. tryin to keep off my leg (couch potato sucks).

After talkin to Ins guy, I'm starting to wonder what to expect. He sounded like they plan on just payin-off my bike and leaving me bikeless. Anyone got ideas of what I should be expecting?
same thing happen to me

Same thing happen to me I got hit from behind but driver had no insurance my bike still runs but back rim is broken and right side is scratched no leaks starts right up im ok was wearing full gear just some road rash on my hip and might have broken rib does anyone know where I can get a new back rim and body kit for 2013 FZ6R I want my baby back but cant find anything on net help please
