FZ6R Side Profile Shots


New Member
I'm a huge fan of profile shots of cars and bikes. Figured I'd kick of a thread for us to show off our girls. Here's one of Rachel to get this thread started. Apologies if this has already been done.

Gotta show my girl Jazz. I named the bike after my late dog Jazz. Had to put her to sleep due to cancer. I couldn't think of a more fitting name.


here my one ! :)


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um.....why haven't you guys been posing any of these beauties pics in our bike of the month contest? :popcorn:
Mine is going back into the paint booth Wednesday. I wanna change a few things. Gas tank going Brandywine Kandy from House of Kolor paints. The black I did just shows up to much like pollen and dust.

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Here she is for now.


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Mine is going back into the paint booth Wednesday. I wanna change a few things. Gas tank going Brandywine Kandy from House of Kolor paints. The black I did just shows up to much like pollen and dust.


For some reason my tank is loose when i reattatch it. kinda odd. I also painted a patch obviously to cover the recent fail, so now i must re sand. and paint again before cc. any suggestions.
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For some reason my tank is loose when i reattatch it. kinda odd. I also painted a patch obviously to cover the recent fail, so now i must re sand. and paint again before cc. any suggestions.

What type of paint are you using and clear coat. If it's not automotive paint and clear you will run into problems. As it will not give you the durability of automotive paint and clear. Unless you use a automotive clear. You can buy Max 2K clear that hardens and protects. Its a 2 part mix in a can that shoots just like a spray gun. Any other clear like from a auto parts store will stay soft and anything like gas will eat right through it. Sorry for the thread jacking. Just trying to answer a question. Also you must know the re coat time. Or you can get into problems. PM me and I will help you if you need it.
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