FZ-Forum Projector Retrofitting Group Buy


Lumen Junkie
Elite Member
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Quick question: how long does it usually take from start to finish? I've been considering this for a while and would love to (once I pay my speeding ticket), however my 6r is my only wheels besides my bicycle and I was wondering how long it takes to get the service done.

I am considering, its just I have just paid off the $1,500 I just put into the bike as well as still paying off the work I just did to my truck. If I had the extra cash right now I would cause I loved how Spawn's looked.
You could commit now and sign up into the payment plan

Sent from my one and only iPhone 5 using Tapa 2 da talk

Hell I wish I had a payment plan option for mine, you should take advantage of his good will to even offer a payment plan on such an option! No reason not to do this mod.
Totally considering this...now to wrap my brain around an actual cost, cause I admit, he offers a ton of great options, and, Im not sure what half of it means :)

For those still considering this, do it :) Paid yesterday and shipping the light off this weekend :wav:
