First ride with GoPro 38 degrees


New Member
This is just a little ride I took down the road and back. Too cold to really ride far right now. Bike didn't want to get going very well to start either. Anyways it was fun. I wanted to open the throttle sooooo bad, but I figured with the weather and temp I might not get the best traction so I decided not to.

Not sure why the video is not in 1080 when I thought I had recorded in 1080. Have to figure it all out still.
At first, I thought you forget to position your mirrors. I then realized you had aftermarket mirrors. What's your impression on the GoPro so far? I ordered the Sony Action Cam and waiting for it to arrive. I didn't like how expensive the accessories for the GoPro costs.
Yea I am just now discovering the gopro app on my iPhone which will allow me to change the angle of the camera since I don't have an LCD screen for it. And so far I like it, it takes good photos and videos are crystal clear on. I did have some trouble with it after I updated the firmware but after reinstalling it I have it working right again. A little difficult to navigate through settings, but isn't horrible by any means. I'm a big fan of time lapses too so when I'm not using it for riding my bike I will use it for things that would be cool to use that feature. Overall it was a good buy because of the price I got it for. It will be cool to use for all sorts of things, especially underwater stuff. The thing I really like is the gopro editor you can download and use to convert your videos with. The slomo editor is really cool.
The Cinepro (i think that is title) software that is available on gopro site is junk and insufficient as you grow in editing.
You'll be better off using MS movie maker for some simple edits...more advance stuff will see you get into Abode or Sony video edit apps.
the snow looks beautiful! but fark riding in that!

Use Wondershare Video convertor

You can reduce the image size and do all the usual editing tricks from there!

And can even output the file to Ipad video
