Finding an FZ6R


New Member
Hi forums!
I'll try to be short, I have a tendency to make TL;DR posts.

I'm trying to become a new rider, I'm a college student in NJ and I've been working 6-day/week shifts at a bakery this summer to make money for an FZ6R hahaha. Unfortunately, the deals around here aren't as promising as they were about a month ago. Most of the 09 FZ6R's on CL are generally around 5000$ and that's not within my budget, which includes gear and insurance.

I've already taken the MSF course, and done a bunch of research on beginner bikes, and actually initially planned on a ninja 250 until I realized that a lot of people outgrow bikes. After the MSF course, I've been pretty set on an FZ6R, but if I have to, will compromise with a ninja 650, assuming I can't get a deal.

But anyways, the Question for this Q&A is how to go about finding/buying a bike. I'm pretty new to everything, and I'm pretty young and naive to say the least. There's a deal for a blue FZ6R for 4100$ on craigslist, but it's apparently "scratched but not a big deal". I tried to call the guy today but he wouldn't pick up, but just wondering what you guys think about this, and any tips you guys can give me when I go out searching.

Based on the pictures, the scratches weren't visible at all, but it could be because of the quality.

Thanks for the time!
don't limit your search area, if you can find a deal 1-2 states away then the $ savings might be worth the drive. besides CL, check ebay and cycletrader. in your area I'd suggest upstate NY, come fall time bikes go for cheap up there. i'm from there, now down south and still get deals from that area
Hmm yeah, so the deal I was referring to is actually in Connecticut, not New Jersey, and had 2700 miles. Thanks for the info though, I'm going to keep looking around. Unfortunately, I wont be able to go there in person and check it myself. Hopefully I'll be able to get my hands on one soon!
+1 cycletrader, but this will mostly be from dealers not individuals in my experience. Nothing against buying from a dealer, you can get a good deal especially on non-currents, they can also help with financing. Most likely to get the bottom dollar lowest price from an individual who bought a bike and now either wants to or has to get rid of for some reason. CL or possibly local paper for more of these adds.
Where are you located? I'd be happy to help out if necessary to check out a bike etc. If I can make the time. If you have particular questions I may be able to help. Unfortunately I'm not selling my FZ6R right now :( :)

I'm actually in Edison, right by Rutgers University (I go there!). If you guys have E-mail or maybe just PM through here, I have a bunch of questions. I'm pretty much as new as you can get to riding (and vehicles). Outside of the MSF course, my knowledge is just whatever google and FZ6R forums can offer. I started planning back in late March, but I don't have any riding friends to ask questions about how to go about buying. I'm really considering the deal for this bike, I got the pictures from the guy on the scratches, and they look pretty big, but they're all cosmetic (from the looks of it). Personally I'm not too much concerned about cosmetic damages, but I wouldn't know how to actually check for any major flaws with the mechanical stuff.

How much would a fairing cost to replace? Based on quick searches it looks like 400$? It looked pretty scratched up, and so does the black stuff around it closer to the handlebar... wow that sounds so vague hahaha.

In any case, thanks a ton for the help/offers everyone.

Would touch-up paint from colorrite be enough to fix his scratch problem? I've been wondering the same thing myself. My bike has no scratches, but if I were ever to scratch the fairing, I'd like to know if colorrite touch up paint would be enough if it wasn't too bad.

And yes, the fairings are $400+
