Failed MSF


New Member
Failed it today :( did great on all the practice runs yesterday and today. But bombed the box and outside inside outside turn totaling 28 points. 20 is all your allowed. They said I can retest free but I don't even know if I'm up for it. I'm totally discouraged from even eventually riding. Prior to the Test I loved riding. I mainly bombed because I always get nervous with ANY kindve test. My heart drops and beats a million times a second, breathing is out of control, jitters and lose all cognitive functions of my body. I admit I'm a mess come taking tests sometimes I wonder how I passed my cdl class A exam to drive trailers. So since the retest is free I guess I'll go for it.

And speaking of driving semi's for a living, I get drug tested, althought I'm clean I still get intensely nervous. But the weird thing is I can shoot down highways and take twisties fine. Just anything to do with a test freaks me out to insanity :mad:
Dont get down on your self. I got nervous too. I tried not to worry how others were doing the low speed stuff like the figure eight in the Box. I also stood a little on the pegs so I could move the bike bettr a lower speeds. Pratice in a empty lot use whatever you have to make the box and pratice until you have it down pat. You will get the hang of it just take your time and the skill will develope.:)
so yeah, the box is a real bummer and hard to do as a beginner. can i suggest you go out and find a lot...then drive in circles to the left and then to the right and while your practicing make your circles smaller and smaller until eventually you will be comfortable to go left and right within the box.

Failed it today :( did great on all the practice runs yesterday and today. But bombed the box and outside inside outside turn totaling 28 points. 20 is all your allowed. They said I can retest free but I don't even know if I'm up for it. I'm totally discouraged from even eventually riding. Prior to the Test I loved riding. I mainly bombed because I always get nervous with ANY kindve test. My heart drops and beats a million times a second, breathing is out of control, jitters and lose all cognitive functions of my body. I admit I'm a mess come taking tests sometimes I wonder how I passed my cdl class A exam to drive trailers. So since the retest is free I guess I'll go for it.

And speaking of driving semi's for a living, I get drug tested, althought I'm clean I still get intensely nervous. But the weird thing is I can shoot down highways and take twisties fine. Just anything to do with a test freaks me out to insanity :mad:

Give yourself some time. And failing 1st time is not a big deal. Just relax, practice a lot and you will be fine.

But practice. Most places even allow you to practice on same testing facilities. That will give you the confidence you need. Practice, practice, practice!

And remember, is just a test. A few months or a year from now you will smile and remember it as a thing of the past.

Do not give up!!!
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Don't sweet it. Both my dad and girlfriend failed the first time the attempted it...The went back and retested and aced it so just relax and think of it as more practice.
Never give up....

I had it all wired and down to the bone having raced dirt and street and I still took my foot off the peg on the second half of the box because I got nervous....lost one point to blow a perfect zero score....The MSF instructor was very disappointed with me because he knew I was better than that. We all get nervous and make mistakes.

You will get through this bummed out period and you will take the test again and you will pass....
I failed my motorcycle test 3 times and passed on my fourth. Trust me, i felt crap near the end but when the examiner turned around and said i passed, it was an awesome day!
Keep practising the MSF tests everyday until you feel really confident about it.

Go to quiet areas and practice is all you can do.

Do lots of smooth hard braking and get that under control.
Do the swerves, tight U turns, hard braking and weaves everyday.
Now you've done the test, you know what to practice, there's plenty of help on this test on the internet to.

Some lots already have the test zones marked out for practice, ask around. Otherwise you can make up your own cones out of plastic cups or a toilet roll cardboard cut in half or something.

Do it everyday for at least 2 weeks and you must pass.


Most people start to lose the tight turn skill after doing the test.
Then slowly get it back from experience.
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The key to doing slow speed stuff like the figure 8 is to not be scared of it. If your scared, your going to muck it up. You need to be calm and collective, I did the figure 8 first try, i've never been one to be afraid of failing though so I just gave it my best.

Go into the test knowing that if you fail it's no biggie you can just retake it. It's going to be a little tough until you get that fear out of your head.
you guys are an inspiration, thanks! feels alot better to hear some failed a couple of times and someone failed 4 times. i guess im not the only one. and probably not the last!

the skills and practices are easy, i dont mind wiping out, and dont mind blowing the box and swerve. the riding coaches said they thought for sure i was going to be 1 of the 9 that definately passes because the stop ive got down packed and the outside inside outside turn im great at. but like i said when i hear im getting tested and graded i freak out. speech goes crazy i get the jitters and my body feels like jelly. driving a trailer under those conditions is so much easier then performing slower maneuvers with a bike for sure. guys it gets so bad when i know i have a pee test at work i freak out lol idk why, but i just get like that :confused:

but once again thanks for lifting me up a bit. my fz6r comes in tomorow i guess ill practice on that all week. sunday is my retest and i also have a 2 hour paid practice of whats gonna be on the test prior to the actual skill eval.
Go ahead and re-test. I had to take my very first driver's license test (age 16) a second time because as I was pulling out of the parallel parking spot my mother had put it in I bumped the rear fender of the car in front of me. The examiner said, "Park the car. There wasn't any reason to try to make that turn in one try. You can take the examination again in two weeks."

You can go slow(er) than you think by using a little rear brake, and keeping the throttle open. Use the rear brake to fine-tune the forward motion of the bike. Keep your head "up" and look where you want to go. Don't watch the ground beside you because your body will "follow your eyes". You can do it!
the box was a PITA. pretty much everyone in my class popped out at least a couple times.

the bike your riding matters some also. when i did it they had some kind of 200cc cruisers and some tt200's. the tt200's were way easier to do the box in because they have a really short wheel base.

and as my instructor liked to constantly yell "BIG HEAD TURNS", turning your head that much while turning is awkward but it really does make the difference in being able to do the box in my opinion

I barely passed that damn box! lol I think on the 2nd turn around, i barely went over the line, but did good on the rest.

anyway here you go, you can thank me later:

[ame=]97 Second Special: Counterbalancing - YouTube[/ame]

Most important thing to remember.. LOOK WHERE YOU GO! DO NOT GIT FIXIATED ON ONE SPOT. use the REAR BRAKE to slow down if needed and be confident :)
