Dropped my helmet...


New Member
So like an idiot, I placed my helmet on the rear seat of my 6R. Scorpion EXO-500. And it fell off. Landed on concrete, and tumbled/rolled a couple feet, about 5-6. Is this criteria to have to replace it? No visible damage to the helmet itself.. Just a small scuff mark or two.

What do you guys think?
It's probably fine. But the safe answer is to replace it.
I wouldn't care too much though.

^^^ this

as long as you didn't have a five lb weight in it that crushed the padding, you're probably ok...

but I would look it over real good, even then, the always safe/official answer is to replace it, as their may be hairline cracks....

What they said.

If it were me, I wouldn't replace it.
I Have dropped my helmets several times. I'ts all scratched up, but I finally might be getting a new one next month. I believe there's a place you can ship it to where they examine it for you and tell you if its still safe to use or not.
I dropped a 1-day old black Arai onto a concrete parking lot, 2nd ride I owned it. Treated the white scuffs with a black sharpie, replaced the vent that had popped off (surprisingly cheap vent component for an Arai, I thought) and never looked back...

I believe you'd need a significantly more weighted fall (like something along the lines of your head being inside the helmet) to seriously damage the impact liner, unless you forcibly smash it into the ground. The liners are designed to crumple (so it's a one-fall scenario), however, they're not *that* delicate.
The reason you have to replace a helmet after impact is that the inner liner may be compressed by the force of your head hitting it. Dropping it on the ground won't compress the inner liner, so no harm done. It'll still protect your head in the event of an impact.
