Diablo III


New Member
got an awesome susprize when I checked my email box today. I got selected to beta test Diablo III starting today. Anyone else get an email? Kinda weird that you have to make a new battlenet name to play Diablo now. They say it will soon happen to Starcraft and WoW also. Just wish the dam download would hurry up. It's moving so slow.
got an awesome susprize when I checked my email box today. I got selected to beta test Diablo III starting today. Anyone else get an email? Kinda weird that you have to make a new battlenet name to play Diablo now. They say it will soon happen to Starcraft and WoW also. Just wish the dam download would hurry up. It's moving so slow.

I use to play Diablo II..I wish I had a CPU.. I would so play!
I got beta access this morning too. I played the beta on my friends account already though so probably won't activate it :(. Wish I could give it to someone that would use it.
Forgot to mention about the new Battle.net name. You also get a pin number, but its public so people can add you by your name or pin. I think they're just trying to create an out of game ID so you can find people you played with previously easier even if you didn't keep in touch. Or if they got name changes, created new characters etc.

You could argue that RealID does this, but it also gives away some personal info. This way you can give it to joe-shmoe you met but don't want to tell them your real name etc.
I played the original 2, and played II wayyyy too much. I also got the "beta" and was sort of disappointed that it was actually a demo, lol. Oh well, I preordered it and will be able to play it in it's entirety in less than a month. My only hope is that it isn't too easy.
Played both I and II pretty extensively. Still need to upgrade the home compy to get III. It's an old laptop that's kinda jacked. Debating on a new laptop vs. desktop. Desktop would be more bang for the buck, but our apartment is pretty small so... :-/
Just waiting patiently for release. The trailers and game play vids look awesome. They (developers in video) say it will be harder than all the rest, bosses are long drawn out battles it is said.
I am actually surprised that there was a post about this! I have been following D3 since they announced it in '08, I am so excited!

Only one problem, when it gets nice out, the choice between riding and Diablo is going to be a tough one.
