Crashed my new Street Triple

I think you already touched on what my comment will be.
Even though your medical claim will be seperate from the bike value, that is where you should recoup the difference. Some sort of pain and suffering/inconvience should help fill the gap on the bike loss. I don't know if they have an equation to help determine an amount you would be eligible for, but I wouldn't think there would be a problem getting atleast 2k more to cover the spread.
This thread looks very similar to another endless thread. Are you sure you two are not related? :facepalm:
get police/medical report, it may have notes about the condition of your gear...

but yeah, I think I remember Jay having to fight with the paramedics to not cut his new-to-him one-peice... they don't care about the gear, just what's inside of it.

Yeah, the EMT tried to cut it off and I had to fight with him and them the hospital tried to cut it off! :rolleyes:
get police/medical report, it may have notes about the condition of your gear...

but yeah, I think I remember Jay having to fight with the paramedics to not cut his new-to-him one-peice... they don't care about the gear, just what's inside of it.

That's a fantastic idea. I may do that or my lawyer.

You only need to show the receipts to AMICA to get reimbursed for the gear.
I've never heard of anyone having to turn over the damaged items. What if they were lost, stolen, cut off by the emergency room personnel and tossed into the trash?
Wasn't the bike 1 month old?
I don't think the KBB accounts for that.
It will cost them far more to defend their client in a court than to make you happy. The problem is resale value of Triumph motorcycles. It is far lower than what you can actually buy one for.
You have time while healing. Don't be so eager to sign a paper and get a check. They are trying to do this as cheaply as possible and the longer it takes the better the chance that it will go to court. Time is on your side. Use it.

Do not deal with is not in your best interest.

Thank you so much. All posts and comments good, but I think yours is one of the best.

I think that today being my last day in HP, still dealing with this crap plus follow up with doctor for my back and wrist pain (less today) this afternoon, put me in a bad mood or desperate.

But yeah, I think that adjuster just want to go home today and close another case.

It is good though, that the girl accepted her liability. At least, she had the decency of that.
Yeah, the EMT tried to cut it off and I had to fight with him and them the hospital tried to cut it off! :rolleyes:

The Paramedics were really nice and helped me to get my Speed and Strength mesh jacket off and in so doing helped my dislocated shoulder to go back into it's proper place. Hurt like a Beyotch but we did it. I almost passed out from the pain but didn't say a word to them because I wanted my dislocated shoulder back in place so bad........They also took off my pants in the ambulance and were very careful with my helmet. Sometimes removing the gear is not the best idea.....The hospital cut off my tee shirt but left my underpants alone.
My last bike "incident" was on 05/04/12 and my Attorney hasn't called me back yet. The last time we talked he was going to get the Police report.
So I don't know who the car was registered to or if they had insurance or anything. It was a criminal felony case so it might take longer to get the Police report. I already put a new clutch cover & gasket on the bike and repaired and painted the fairing damage and have been driving it for the last 2 full weeks to work and around town.
It cost me $225.00 out of pocket to repair it because I already had the paint, glue and Amsoil 10-40 oil laying around. I'd like all new plastics for it but that can wait. I got 2 compliments on the bike today already and one yesterday and my repair job was fast and rough so apparently people don't look that close.

Bottom line is be prepared for a long wait and don't get mad, impatient or in a hurry. It will be resolved in it's own time and you are alive to wait them out.
Besides, you probably aren't too skippy right now to want to drag knee on a bike so there is no hurry.

Be firm with AMICA and don't show any emotion. Their only choices are to settle with you or go to court.....and court will cost them $10K+ to get to a settlement hearing before trial. So $10K is possible.
Today ...

Getting the free accessories which finally arrived ... :(

Of course, they will never be installed on the bike. The accessories are: fly screen, belly pan, radiator cowl.

Sniff, sniff ...
Should I go with AMICA and fight for gear plus the 8k or more?

Still I have my legal representation for my personal injuries. That's not done yet and I will make this irresponsible girl to pay for it.

Do NOT deal with your insurance on this. Don't rush anything. Make them pay for everything. I've seen cases argued where a new bike/car (new being less than 6 mos old) getting FULL replacement. I have also been the recipient of this. I totaled a car when their client did a U-Turn in front of me without warning or signaling. I had less than a second to react and hit the side of his truck doing 50 mpg. Thanks God for seat belts and air bags! But, the point is, they wanted to pay only the book value. I threatened a lawyer and pain and suffering, promising a MUCH larger payout. Suddenly, they gave me 100% replacement cost, paid the medical and then gave me $3k extra as "comfort" money.

Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. And please, do NOT make any claim what-so-ever with your own insurance. This will do you a lot more harm than good.
I do not know how to feel when I see this.... mad , sad, or what? ...

These are the 600 bucks accessories that just arrived. Got it from dealer, today.


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So AMICA finally responded and inspected the bike. They offered 9k for the bike. Supposedly, they will send a separate check for parking fees, towing, etc, however, it's not specified anywhere.

I said NO. I paid 10100 OTD. I said I'm willing to accept and put this behind if I get 10k plus towing and parking fees.

By the way, this has nothing to do with Injuries settlement.

Any comment or feedback, is appreciated.

So AMICA finally responded and inspected the bike. They offered 9k for the bike. Supposedly, they will send a separate check for parking fees, towing, etc, however, it's not specified anywhere.

I said NO. I paid 10100 OTD. I said I'm willing to accept and put this behind if I get 10k plus towing and parking fees.

By the way, this has nothing to do with Injuries settlement.

Any comment or feedback, is appreciated.

Very good. 9K is not bad for a first offer. So fighting them a little bit should get you that 10K! Any word on gear replacement? I would push for that if you can although you dont have the helmet...

So AMICA finally responded and inspected the bike. They offered 9k for the bike. Supposedly, they will send a separate check for parking fees, towing, etc, however, it's not specified anywhere.

I said NO. I paid 10100 OTD. I said I'm willing to accept and put this behind if I get 10k plus towing and parking fees.

By the way, this has nothing to do with Injuries settlement.

Any comment or feedback, is appreciated.

They MUST make you "WHOLE".....nothing less than what it will cost to replace the whole bike with another new one....Get a quote from the dealer on a brand new bike OTD. That is what the bike is worth, not what you paid.
They MUST make you "WHOLE".....nothing less than what it will cost to replace the whole bike with another new one....Get a quote from the dealer on a brand new bike OTD. That is what the bike is worth, not what you paid.

Negative sir they only have to pay you what the bike is valued at , that's what gap insurance is for . I worked insurance and this comes up all the time.
Negative sir they only have to pay you what the bike is valued at , that's what gap insurance is for . I worked insurance and this comes up all the time.

Would you rather replace the bike or go to court? The bike was 1 month old.

It's all about "the Benjamin's".

Also gap insurance only pays the lender if the value is less than the amount owed..The owner never see's a penny.
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Would you rather replace the bike or go to court? The bike was 1 month old.

It's all about "the Benjamin's".

Also gap insurance only pays the lender if the value is less than the amount owed..The owner never see's a penny.

I've got an add-on for my truck that my company calls 'keepers' that will replace my truck with a new model with equal options if mine is totalled.

however, they laughed and said they don't offer it on motorcycles.
