Could this have been avoided?

I'm big on *always* having a contingency plan (knowing if there's a lane open, watching for texters, make-up mongers, passionate cell-rats, and just the certifiably blind) -- which has served me well in avoiding situations like this:

Todays learning experience.wmv - YouTube

However, I watched this frame by frame, and without the reaction time of the Flash, I don't really believe there was any telegraphing of the situation, or time to avoid it...

It was definitely (IMHO) the Kobayashi Maru scenario...
This video is of Dawn Champion, i found an article about her, bravest women I have seen riding!

Reluctant road warrior | champion, says, one - News - The Orange County Register

She's truely an inspiration to me, what is hard for me though is this is how we crashed minus the car doing a 180 ours was a guy pulling across traffic from a median, and couldnt make it across. She did everything she could, and that's that.

Oh and the idiot in the civic pulled his emergency brake, thats why he spun out, obviously grabbing for his phone, which i hope the insurance company slammed him! makes me sick seeing his reaction getting out of his car WITH his f*ing phone in his hand (again like our accident) and immediately BLAMES her, typical....ugh I cant even watch this video again without wanting to beat his face into the ground!!!
Excellent job of sourcing out the back story. I love it.
This is why I run a video cam each and every time I ride. If I forget the cam, I go back and get it. I'd rather ride with bare feet. I have been known to turn on the cam and forget to put it on record or leave the lens cap on but that is rare. Having a video cam on when you ride eliminates the squid effect. Unless you are making a video to show some aspect of how stupid you can ride (I'm guilty), you tend to drive at the speed limit and follow all the safety tips taught by the MSF school. In the unlikely chance that you get creamed like she did, it will cut through all the BS and give an accurate description of the crash. Either the Civic had independent front/rear brakes or he pulled the emergency brake like he was going to drift. It was his fault 100% and his insurance company will cover her unless they want to be on the losing end of a jury with an injured girl as the victim. Can you say huge pain and suffering award? And the dude in the Civic immediately tried to make it her fault like he had to swerve and she hit him. The video makes him a liar and worthless in front of a jury.

I have 2 Contour 1080 cams that I used for front and rear views for racing that get lots of use for everyday riding. I just delete the boring rides and recharge at work if needed. For longer rides, I have 4 batteries total and 2 16GB cards. All helmets should come equipped with an integral video cam installed IMHO.

This video is of Dawn Champion, i found an article about her, bravest women I have seen riding!

Reluctant road warrior | champion, says, one - News - The Orange County Register

She's truely an inspiration to me, what is hard for me though is this is how we crashed minus the car doing a 180 ours was a guy pulling across traffic from a median, and couldnt make it across. She did everything she could, and that's that.

Oh and the idiot in the civic pulled his emergency brake, thats why he spun out, obviously grabbing for his phone, which i hope the insurance company slammed him! makes me sick seeing his reaction getting out of his car WITH his f*ing phone in his hand (again like our accident) and immediately BLAMES her, typical....ugh I cant even watch this video again without wanting to beat his face into the ground!!!
that article really talks up her riding ability. sounds like she knew how to ride pretty well at the time of the collision.
that article really talks up her riding ability. sounds like she knew how to ride pretty well at the time of the collision.

She may have been a great racer or rider but her positioning in relation to the cars was less than desired.
She was in a position that afforded zero exit point and she stayed there. As stated earlier, we all get into these bad places but not for long as we make adjustments to change it so we have an emergency exit. She stayed in a bad place and had no place to go when the unexpected happened.
She was complacent and "trusted" the cagers to not make a stupid move or a tire to blow out.

Of course she didn't expect the stupid bong sucker to pull the emergency brake either......
To the OP? I'm sorry, man. I just don't see anything the rider did wrong. Sometimes bad stuff happens. I've been riding since the mid '80's. I'd have gone down in that situation, too. I'd have gone down differently, but I'd have gone down.

Thank you. That's what I was afraid of.

In a scenario like that, would it be best to lowside if possible?
This video is of Dawn Champion, i found an article about her, bravest women I have seen riding!

Reluctant road warrior | champion, says, one - News - The Orange County Register

She's truely an inspiration to me, what is hard for me though is this is how we crashed minus the car doing a 180 ours was a guy pulling across traffic from a median, and couldnt make it across. She did everything she could, and that's that.

Oh and the idiot in the civic pulled his emergency brake, thats why he spun out, obviously grabbing for his phone, which i hope the insurance company slammed him! makes me sick seeing his reaction getting out of his car WITH his f*ing phone in his hand (again like our accident) and immediately BLAMES her, typical....ugh I cant even watch this video again without wanting to beat his face into the ground!!!

This is absolutely incredible... I know Dawn. We took a programming class together in college and worked on a project right here at my house. I'm going to send her a message. SUCH a small world! Glad to hear she's ok. Thank you SO much for finding this article!
This is absolutely incredible... I know Dawn. We took a programming class together in college and worked on a project right here at my house. I'm going to send her a message. SUCH a small world! Glad to hear she's ok. Thank you SO much for finding this article!

wow small world in deed!!!! please tell her she is amazing for being so brave and that i hope they fined the hell out og the guy that hit her
I have to agree with the folks who had said the *only* way out was left. I also agree with the folks who said it would have had to have been using superhuman reflexes. For the most part.

Our bodies do incredible things when adrenaline is released and life is on the line. However, making that swerve would have been just as much luck as response speed. Either way, the chances would have been micro thin. Possible, just not very likely.

Just glad she's ok and can keep on riding.

I think I've not recovered from my accident yet. Had horrible flashbacks after watching this, for 1st time. It was so similar to mine, damm!

Regarding if this was or not avoidable, and based on the video only without knowing his skills, I think was not.

While I always try to see escape routes if someone pull out in front of me, you can't see if a car is coming on left side. Right does not look doable to me.

Also, we can check video and replay thousand of times, but under heavy stress and on the situation itself, people usually brake, let's be honest. I actually did on mine. However, I knew on mine that changing lane would have killed me (omcoming traffic, direct impact from a car coming to me or even same car, right leg) because was a 4 lane street. I had cars on my right, so I embrace for impact and believe it or not, pray and remembered my wife and pets.

I think is unavoidable. Hope this person is ok.


Just read the article about her. It looks she has experience riding. Yeah, I think what she did was the safest thing, instead of going left and avoid. That was going to be a hard move with the possibility of being hit by a car and on that case, was going to be her fault.

Now, it came to my mind the ABS feature that some bikes now have. I wonder if that would help here.

I'm happy that she's ok!
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