COD - Black ops 2

So what is everyone's first impressions? Online multiplayer? Lag? How is it? Recommend? Been hearing some neg reviews about it today.
My expectations were pretty high coming from how much I hated modern warfare 3 and their shitty spawn points, and lack of host match efficiency.

Treyarch did themselves a good one this year....Puts MW3 to shame gameplay wise. The guns are a touch unrealistic for my taste but the game itself was done very very well. No lag on xbox either.

Platform: Xbox 360
Gamer Tag: |FA|D|E|D
Clan: www.BWC-Clan.US or

We are Currently Recruiting as well. I started the clan a little over a year ago and have 41 members actively playing the game. Your more then welcome to put in an application on elite, but let me know it was you and Ill take a look at it. Also, if you think your hot shit, challenge us, were always down for a good ol battle. We play primarily hardcore TDM and S&D/DOM
Just played BO 1 last night and did not last 30 minutes. Spawn kills out the ass, bullets hitting you after you are already 10 feet around a corner, they dont DIE with tons of hit markers but you get clipped with anything and you are done. Lag, etc.

If its just the same shit with different guns and maps, im not getting.
Xbox 360 : sXc AbStRaKt i raped at black ops, still getting used to all the customization on black ops 2 im gonna save the campaign for xmas time, along with purchasing halo 4 around that same time frame
Well here's my review of Black Ops 2:

Nothing at all like the first one. The gameplay is just like MW3. So are the guns and how theres way too much going on in the create a class menu. Some people may like that but I like it simple like the first Black Ops. I hate how the guns in BO2 all shoot the same and all sound the same. That's what made the first one so good in that they were different. I'm pretty dissappointed in the game honestly. I will still play it but I definitely will still be playing the first one more. Dont even get me started on the zombie maps. They are all small maps besides the transit scenerio. I hope and wish when they release new map packs that they do better than whats done now.
If you recall the past dlc's they always had larger more expanded maps upon release. The guns do all sound a bit to close together but the gameplay itself makes up for something small like the gun noise IMO....and I love the tracer trail from when u shoot ur sniper rifle it looks bad ass lol
you should check out my theater... had a shotty at a guys back... three shots.. no hit marker, he finally realized he was being shot at, ran around a corner at a co-team player shooting at him, I fired one more time HIT...

I need to link my fb so I can export the videos.... it's crazy... also *warning*, why I tend to get all of my cussing out while playing :eek:

and I tell people, I'm not cussing them, just the stupid connections.

Getting ready to hop on BO2 now!

Let me know what you think of it. I trust your judgement since we have played to much of it together :D
Ya its a cool game i like it alot, I also played the Zoombie maps yesterday and man it was cool as hell was having a good time. Im at work now but if i was not at work i would be at home playing the game. If i had the option i would play at work to lol man i miss the game sorry im bored at work and im venting lol cant find anything to do got no customers right now lol. :wreck:
