COD - Black ops 2


Monster Member
Elite Member
already got it, had it since 9th :)

frinksbonkers is my name on the PS3
I'm gonna go put my name on 2 today(one for me and one for the fiance). But we are on Xbox. Gonna pick them up Friday though.
Because Gibraltar is awsome! everything comes out before the release dates, its abit annoying though as i managed to complete the campaign before the multiplayer servers where even online!!! haha
I will be picking it up... May wait till Christmas or first of the year though.
Just got back from Pre-ordering my 2 copies. And there is a line ALREADY! That's insane! I can't imagine sitting out in the cold(here) for a game. I'm picking mine up Friday after I get paid.
Eh I'm on the fence, but I have two PSN names. I'm either on Kodiak81 or IATETHEPLECENTA, I know I know the seconds messed up but so am I :D
MUST... resist......zombies..... UUUUURGHHHHHH.....

The zombie mode was my low point of console gaming addiction.
