Chicagoland Group Ride

The weather report doesn't look good.:mad: I don't mind riding in rain at all ( kinda like it) but an electrical storm I won't if I can help it. :(
If you guys think 500 is still to much, I can continue making the ride shorter. No problem for me. And I'm not a big fan of riding in the rain so I would have to say if it actually does rain, than I will reschedule it. Don't really have a date in mind yet but we can discus that if/when the time comes.
Reducing the total miles would be good, give time for a break or two.

Where is the meeting point?
I am trying to keep a closer eye on the Radar for the weather. It appears that its gonna be on and off all day. I'm not big on riding in the rain so maybe we should just reschedule? Gives me time to redo the route again and do a little more research. This week with work being busy and having a tech on vacation, I had no time to really get into the little things (rest stops, food, sight seeing, etc.) The route takes you through some state parks that may or may not be interesting to stop and look around for a little.
The big group ride didn't work out but we did make it up to Lake Geneva WI. Took some back roads up there and dodged a storm on the way back in IL. Now I have to wash the bike again :(
Any idea's on a new date? :)
I've got to make it through the girlfriends daughters softball, Semi-final playoff is today, and hopefully finals tomorrow. Then she's getting into an All-Star league which I have to check the schedule for practices and tournaments. Once I get the schedule, I will start planning this again.
I've got to make it through the girlfriends daughters softball, Semi-final playoff is today, and hopefully finals tomorrow. Then she's getting into an All-Star league which I have to check the schedule for practices and tournaments. Once I get the schedule, I will start planning this again.

:steve: Good luck with the playoffs! Will be checking back later.
:steve: Good luck with the playoffs! Will be checking back later.

Well, the kids team made it to the finals!!! Final game is on Tuesday against a team that was undefeated during regular season. Hopefully, we can give them there only loss for the season :D

I forgot to add that the kid also made the All-star team/game this year as well! Top 4 players of each team go out of the 6 teams this season. So we are proud of her for that as well.
