Camera comparisons


New Member
Hi All,

Stumbled across this video when researching my camera needs.

Side by side comparison or 4 popular action cams

I was leaning towards the Contour but when I saw the night time footage I'm back to square 1 with my decision -.-

Anyways - hope this is helpful to someone :D
my issue with the go pro - box on my helmet!

I know I know...I don't see it...but i passed a guy the other day with a go pro on his helmet and well...its not a look i wish to cultivate hahaha!
One big problem with the current Contour is that the lens is so wide that when mounted on the side of your helmet, a piece of the helmet is always visible. At least with my Contour and my ski helmet. Never tried using it for biking. For biking I have a GoPro mounted on the bike, not on the helmet.

Saw the diff mounts at best buy. I think the lens is adjustable on model I saw but not sure. It was a newer model about $300
One big problem with the current Contour is that the lens is so wide that when mounted on the side of your helmet, a piece of the helmet is always visible. At least with my Contour and my ski helmet. Never tried using it for biking. For biking I have a GoPro mounted on the bike, not on the helmet.

I'd see my self purchasing a go pro for the bike and then getting something for my helmet as well.

the fixed mounting is fine - i'd just want to show you know...stuff to my left and right etc etc
I've got a Contour+ and love it; had a Contour HD before that and loved it too. I just don't like the camera design of the GoPro...too boxy and non-aerodynamic. I've done plenty of snowboarding at night with the camera and don't have any complaints either with the picture quality; it's a tiny bit grainy but you'll get that with any video camera that doesn't specifically account for night shot. Hope that helps!
I just picked up a Replay XD1080 and have been messing around with all the quality settings. Once I also find a good video editor for noobs like me to use, I'll upload some vids. So far I love it as its super easy to use and the video quality is awesome. Also, like the contour, the replay xd1080's shape is more tubular in design and not boxy like some if the other popular camera options, which is a plus. The only real complaint I have is that the built-in mic is brutal with wind noise unless you use the windbreaker stickers that come with the camera.
The other thing I love is the Bluetooth phone deal...I'm leaning again towards the contour...just need to save the pennies!

I just dropped $500 on mods can wait a few weeks haha

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Can you connect external mic to the Contour? or is it just internal?

I've used all the go-pro's and can say they are by far my favorite.
I used one alot on quads and they can take a beating.
Here's a video clip of me bailing off the quad after a bad bounce.
The quad almost flipped over I had no choice but to bail.
It sheared the camera mount near where it attaches to the helmet. GoPro sent me a new mount free.
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