Bubble Windshield - need advice


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I just got the new bubble windshield and I removed the yellow label but there is some adhesive still on the shield. Does anyone know what I can use to remove the remaining adhesive that won’t harm the surface of the windshield?


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plastic windshields are SO easy to scratch though... it's definitely NOT the same as trying to remove leftover adhesive off the gas tank... i would be EXTREMELY careful what you use on it. in fact, i think that the manual says to only use mild soap & water and a soft, lint-free cloth to clean it. i'm thinking a clean, soft microfiber towel or sponge maybe...

i'd prolly first try using the sticky side of the peeled off sticker itself to see if u can gently "lift" up the remaining adhesive with it. and, if that doesn't work, then try some painter's tape or something sticky, but not-too-sticky, to try to lift the adhesive off. (u have to apply it gently and then really slowly peel, and it may come off.) and, if that still doesn't work then maybe the mild soap & water on a soft sponge or microfiber towel...

i wouldn't use anything with chemicals, or you could damage or leave streaky clouds on it...


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Turtle Wax Bug & Tar Remover, applied w/ a microfiber towel.
5min, guaranteed!


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I just used the sticker itself... I just re-dabbed it over the residue and it pulled it all off clean and smooth. Same as using the duct tape method. Or just use duct tape. Use duct tape on all my sticky residue. DUCT TAPE! :D


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Goof off is much better

I just got the new bubble windshield and I removed the yellow label but there is some adhesive still on the shield. Does anyone know what I can use to remove the remaining adhesive that won’t harm the surface of the windshield?

Use goof off instead of Goo Gone. It gets things off Goo Gone never could without a lot of rubbing.


New Member
I just got the new bubble windshield and I removed the yellow label but there is some adhesive still on the shield. Does anyone know what I can use to remove the remaining adhesive that won’t harm the surface of the windshield?

My grandmother told me this when I was younger. Avon Skin-So-Soft. It will come off instantly. Any adhesive residue left? This stuff removes it. BONUS!?! Yes, it smells nice too! :D:D


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Thanks to all of you who had such good suggestions.

I used WD-40 on a microfiber cloth...it worked like a charm without any harm, in less than 2 minutes.

Thanks again everyone


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Late arrival to this post, but lighter fluid works fantastic and very fast. Also, use a little bit of heat prior to applying the lighter fluid and it comes right off. Used same method for the gas tank decal and it was a piece of cake. Wipe off, then apply a little wax, looks beautiful :)


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My grandmother told me this when I was younger. Avon Skin-So-Soft. It will come off instantly. Any adhesive residue left? This stuff removes it. BONUS!?! Yes, it smells nice too! :D:D

It also repels mosquitoes. We use it on ourselves, our horses, and our dogs.

(Sorry, not trying to hijack the thread)


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Eagle One NanoWax. Works awesome at removing sticker residue and it's 100% carnuba. So, you're waxing while removing. :)


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My wife spent an hour trying to get the "cleaning instructions" sticker off the Yamaha windshield I got off Amazon. I would have just sent it back. Cleaning instructions say you only mild soap and then they put the sticker on so you have to use a fricken razor blade to get it off. normally you can pull the top potion off to reveal the white part of the sticker and the glue. drop some wD40 on there and your done in 10. not with this stupid thing. It just broke apart every time you tried to pull anything up. had to be scraped off. The idiot in purchasing for Yamaha that bought those stickers should be drawn and quartered.

Thanks to my wife for the hour to get it off :)


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