Bone's video thread, enjoy, comments and suggestions are welcome.


Well-Known Member
Alright so I have a few videos that I have been making lately and you can see the progression of my editting through each of them.

Comments and suggestions are welcome, enjoy as well.

The first video that I made in relation to the bike:
BoneChill sunny but raining - YouTube

The second with a complete intro and creidts, I need to add more there:
BoneChill Ft. Myers bridge and a couple cops. It's funny how they multiply. - YouTube

The third with tweaked intro, no comments on this video as it was just for exhaust sound purposes. Also added some audio to the credits section... lol. Lets see if anyone catches on to these. Chime in if you catch the one.
BoneChill Ft. Myers with external mic leaving campus, exhaust sounds on ninja 1000, urban brawler - YouTube

Comments and suggestions on what you like to see and hear are welcome. I'll do what I can to accommodate.
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bump. seems I've only gotten a couple views on the newer ones.
I got a message from one of the members that they had issues with pages that have more than just a couple videos on them.

Does anyone else have this issue at all?
nope .

Cool vids btw! :)
I've a new video up on my youtube channel and another one should be done in the next couple hours or so.
It's been a little while since I posted a but I have been working on a new channel and this is one of the re-edits that I have been working on for a bit.

[ame=""]Drilling out baffles on Yamaha Stryker 1300cc, getting a louder exhaust. - YouTube[/ame]

Enjoy, let me know if you see any errors. I've been working on dressing up the videos I'm uploading.
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This is from this Saturday, some people I know decided to put on a stunt show in honor of a friend of theirs that died and also to celebrate life as it was several other's birthday as well.

[ame=]Motocycle stunt show BoneChill Tech 1080p 2014-02-01 1080p Extreme Fury Stunterz Inc. - YouTube[/ame]

I haven't posted in here in a little while, I did some more videos recently at the new channel:

[ame=""]Wheelie Wednesday July 2014 edition - BoneChillTech - YouTube[/ame]
