Be careful out there.


New Member
I'm starting to think this summer has something out for me. I lowsided in april and broke my arm. after healing up from that i had some stomach problems and a sinus infection that didn't want to go away.

To top it all off I slammed into a dirt embankment on the FZ yesterday while trying to overtake a car. The result is a broken back with a fractured t5 vertibrae. I just got home from the hospital and am stuck in an upper torso brace for a minimum of 4 weeks. They did 3 ct scans on me and found the fracture and also found that my neck was broken at some point and more or less healed itself.

The accident was completely my fault. I was out riding with 2 other sport bikes. Something i rarely do as most of my freinds ride cruisers, enduro, etc. I was way to aggressive and tried to pass a car in an area that i knew i didn't have enough room. As i got up next to the car i realized i wasn't going to make it and tried to slow down. I fishtailed heavily in both directions and was able to keep the bike up but was not able to stop in time before hitting the dirt embankment. The bike hit sideways and smashed up my already smashed up left side plastics. unfortunately i hit head first and knew instantly something was wrong because i was having trouble taking deep breaths.

Thankfully there was an off duty CDF there and about a minute later an Rn pulled up also. They kept me stable while awaiting the paramedics. I spent the night at the hospital in pretty severe pain and was released today. Thankfully I do not have to have surgery. I am just stuck in this brace for at least a month.

Though it truly sucks to have broken my back it could have been way way worse. The way i hit the embankment my neck should have snapped.

I am not looking for any pity in this thread. I screwed up and have no one to blame but myself. I hope people use my experience to remember to stay within your limits, especially when riding in a group. You never know how things will end.


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    me in back brace.jpg
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Wow, that really does suck! Those are some serious injuries, but I'm glad to see you seem to have a positive attitude about them.

I hope you have a speedy recovery!
Damn Bro sorry to hear... Heal up soon, and yes it could of been way worse! Knowing your limits and using your head will keep you safe. Take care man!
Heal up soon...

:eek: Get well! How's the bike?
:eek: Get well! How's the bike?

I have not looked at the bike yet but my buddies who i was riding with and another that picked it up from the tow yard both said its not bad. I basically just smashed up the plastics that were already damaged from my lowside in april. I also have to replace my shifter again. I hit pretty hard so i am expecting some form of damage under the plastics, but hopefully its nothing serious.

I may hobble out to the garage and check it out later this evening or tomorrow. I'm kind of dreading looking at it because its turning into a money pit with all these accidents.
Life suks sometimes it's your turn for good things....prepare to have fun in a few weeks. (after the bike and you are repaired)
Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. Sounds extremely scary and am glad that you aren't hurt worse!! Take a break from the bike for a while.... a LONG while. Sometimes riding is just not worth it after an accident like you just experienced. :(
I have a friend that rides a Honda CBR250r. It's a great bike, with ergos similar to the FZ6R. He's a good rider, and he's been itching like crazy to trade it for a CBR600RR, or GSX-R750. However, in his own words: "I'd be too much of a punk on a supersport, and end up hurting myself." He still pushes it now and then on the CBR, but, understands his limits, and rides commensurately (for now, anyway)...

Congratulations on making a similar determination (re: riding beyond personal limits). I believe it's a mandatory requisite for riding. *Very* sorry the broken arm, and broken back were the teaching aids...

Heal up quickly... Best of luck, and ride safe...
After reading the details I'm glad your are able to stand and move around. Very lucky, I hope you have a speedy and full recovery.

BTW, way to man up and admit and take responsibility for your actions. No excuses made, you told it like it is.

Get well.
get well soon bro!
Best of luck on the recovery, brudda! When you decide to hop back on the ol' 2 wheel death machine, take her easy for awhile.
Wow. Really glad you're able to talk about your experience. It sounds intense. Like very one else said... you may want to take some time off the murdercycle and recuperate. Good luck and get well soon!

definatly not looking forward to going down but almost all riders go down at some point for one reason or another..
How true... for one reason or another...

This was just a couple hours ago -- I was sure I was going down.

The video seems to dampen the reality of the situation -- but, I'll *never* complain about the brakes or stock tires on the Fizzer (skidded about ten feet, but those suckers did the job, and skidded straight -- no fishtail)...

[ame=]FZ6R Brakes git 'r done - YouTube[/ame]
