Battlefield 3

Any other battlefield junkies here?
I'm eagerly awaiting a multiplayer reveal, and a beta( however long that takes)

Definitely getting this. Never been much on Battlefield, but I'm just getting sick of COD. Its just the same crap every release. I love the game, but they need to fix the lag and hacking. BF3 looks sweet.
Definitely getting this. Never been much on Battlefield, but I'm just getting sick of COD. Its just the same crap every release. I love the game, but they need to fix the lag and hacking. BF3 looks sweet.

Welcome to the promise land :D
:justkidding: I'm hoping Dice figures out better hit reg. God forbid I shoot someone 30 feet up the road.
It looks epic. Gameplay quality looks as good as a movie. I hope it beats BF2 vietnam...and modern warfare 3(the new one coming out)
I am pretty stoked about both the new battlefield and mw3. I am pretty sick of blackops all I seem to play is zombies for the most part and that is starting to get a little old.
Black ops is full of campers and dashboarders....and Im so sick of getting 3-15 hit markers on someone in hardcore. the other day I had an apache kill streak and Im not even joking a guy was running across firing range and I counted 12 hit markers....with the machine gun on a goddamn apache!!!! I finally fired two rockets at him as soon as he went into building 2 and killed him. My buddy just last night put a guy in last stand with a tomahawk? How the hell is that possible? I swear they change damage limits and spread patterns daily.
Yeah, I can't wait for this game. I used to be really into cod, but It's just getting old. I doubt I'll even get MW3. I bought MW2 and black ops at midnight release date but I'm just done with it. I hear ya on all the campers and cheating and just plain bullsh*t in BO. I haven't even played it in about 2 months.

Lots of great games coming out this fall though, Battlefield 3, gears of war 3, elder scrolls skyrim, and I know there's more, just can't think of em right now. For now I'm playin the new mortal kombat, portal 2 and Fallout new vegas DLC.

What systems are you guys playin on? 360/PC here.
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on 360 I'm playing new vegas, thinking about getting L.A Noire, occasional search and destroy on black ops...Cant wait for Rage, Skyrim, BF3....

I used to be huge into battlefield but no one ever talks in the game, so there is no squad based play....seems like 16 rambos running around, and none of my friends play it sadly :( I used to be beast!
I hear ya about the rambo thing...I play with a group of guys once a week and we all work pretty well together but other than that nobody uses mikes all that much.

You all should check out my latest Final kill in Black ops. It happened a few weeks ago and I finally got around to editing it.
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Thats a nice ricochet tomahawk bro! Im trying to get better with them! Glad to see you play hardcore, whats your gamer tag? My buddy got a double tomahawk on summit a couple weeks ago, Im pretty good with a 360 no scope headshot with the bolt action sniper rifle!
I play all of the different game modes. Mostly TDM but I do like some search and destroy and capture the flag every now and then. My gamer tag is blastNlead.
I've took an interest in it, Battlefields looking better considering after COD4, the COD series fell flat on its face, its about stupid honestly.
Im glad they are doing away with bad company. Anyone ever play battlefield heroes? Free to play online and very fun. I'm not a big fan of fps though. I like my strategy and rpg games. Battlefield3 should deliver for the multiplayer fps fans. I'll definitely be watching it's development and release.
As crappy as black ops is for cheaters and corner campers and team killing...somehow I still don't put it away. It's got an active fan base and i love the comradry or how ever you spell it
I so love playing Battlefield COD couple weeks ago got my 200th knife kill, now im close to 300. Currently at lvl 28. My game name is Tautog199, look me up and add me as a friend.
I use to play the sh!t outta BF2 on the PC, but haven't had time in awhile to play. We have COD, BF, and MOH and all the other first person shooters for PS3, but I just haven't gotten into them much. My boys play them all the time though.

I played MW2 and Black Ops until I got sick of the game. Bought Homefront, single player was real short and online play was just OK, graphics are horrible though (IMO not worth buying if you dont already own it). Then I picked up a BFBC2 and am really enjoying it, online gameplay is much better then BOs.

Very much looking forward to BF3, I wont even buy MW3. Does not seem like it will be any different than MW2 or BO.
