back on the road again!!!


New Member
oh yeah! i'm back on the road again!

Got my licence back today after a little 3 month hiatus courtesy of the NSW PoPo.

My morning went like this:

Got dropped off at work nice and early, Wifey came back @ 930 to take me to the RTA, ran in, filled in the form paid them some more revenue and was given my licence back!

Ran outside and told the wifey in no certain words to get the hell outta the drivers seat cause daddys back! lol

Flogged my beautiful car home (love the V8 soundtrack and I haven't heard it for 3 months whilst the wife has been driving)

got out and started my bike! yay, then rode to work, got my lunchbreak and went for an hour ride to used to it again! Wasn't a smart idea as it was 43c here today! but was all worth it...

Moral to the story - Don't get caught, without your licence you piss off the two worst people in your life - Your Wife and your boss,
although I must admit, it was kinda easy not having a licence over the xmas festivities, I could just happily drink and await someone to take me somewhere.

I'll be back later just going for another ride!
3 months with out riding.... I don't know how u did it.... I can't go two days with out taking mine out..., congrats on getting back to it....

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Just be careful, dont speed or you will be without your liscence again!

Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2
Just be careful, dont speed or you will be without your liscence again!

Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2


I was just pissed it was the first time I had lost it in 17 years of driving. "and" it was probably a genuine safety issue as to why I was speeding, but, my fault for being on a hwy I guess and I was speeding.

lucky my wife loves me.
what the hell does it take to get your licence revoked for 3 months there? One ticket? Around here you would basically have to be have 3 or 4 tickets in a short period or drunk driving to have it suspended.

Enjoy being back on the road, be safe.
what the hell does it take to get your licence revoked for 3 months there? One ticket? Around here you would basically have to be have 3 or 4 tickets in a short period or drunk driving to have it suspended.

Enjoy being back on the road, be safe.

depends on the offence (and a myriad of other factors)

This was lost for 1 offence.

Im on my "P's" here in Aus "learning" to ride, had that licence status for about 4 months, as I'm an older rider I only have to be on it 12 months total. Had my drivers licence for 17 years no loss of licence.

restricted speed to 90kmh

I was riding home from a weekend away (700km each way) and sitting on a Highway, speed limit was 110kmh, I on my way up sat on 90kmh but nearly got taken out so many times with the 20kmh speed difference.

On the way home the same thing happened (der) but this time I had about 3 B-Double Semi's right up my arse blasting their horns at me and just being downright arseholes!

I decided the safest thing to do was to ride to the conditions, which was sit on 110kmh (20k's over my limit)

My bike was flicking 118-119 when his lights flashed from the deep bushy grave he was hiding in and I got pulled over for an alleged 126kmh.

As it is 30kmh over its an Automatic side of the road hand your licence over.

Another 4kmh and my bike would have been impounded and much heftier fine and suspension/disqualification.

My fine was close to $900 anyway!
That is harsh, my regards Clubby

Here in Sth Aus they have increased the demerit system recently,
which causes suspension if liscence for many alot sooner.
I for one, have 9 months of 'good behaviour' left on my liscence until I recieve the reward of 1 point till suspension for 2 years.
Darn speeding camera's...

Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2
That is harsh, my regards Clubby

Here in Sth Aus they have increased the demerit system recently,
which causes suspension if liscence for many alot sooner.
I for one, have 9 months of 'good behaviour' left on my liscence until I recieve the reward of 1 point till suspension for 2 years.
Darn speeding camera's...

Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2

there seems to be more and more laws being passed by our elected fools each day without anyone really knowing/caring/reporting the matters.

I just found out that when I pay my fine I will incur another 3 months loss of licence for the demerit point hit, once again because of the "P" system.

You can gain a maximum of 4 demerit points on the P class, the fine I was hit with carries 5 demerits, so there' that in one go again. (total of 13 on my car licence and that's as clean as a whisker (0).:jerk:

This time it wont stop me from driving a car, so that's a positive! but another 3 months.......I should just pay it now, this heat is killing me anyway so be quicker to get it over and done with!
Atleast your Mrs is available for DD duty ;-)

Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2

OMG this is the most convoluted system i have ever heard. You have to ride on your "Ps" for a year? and you cant go over 90 or ride certain bikes i think i heard? then what, you have to go over and take more tests to get an official license? I kinda wish we had that here lol.
Here is Ca its very simple, and not all states are the same. You walk in and take the written test. If you pass you get a "permit" which allows you to ride only in daylight and not on the freeways and no passengers. You can use that up to a year but you DO NOT have to. You can go back the next day or whenever you want to take the driving test (which involves going through some cones and in a sharp circle without exiting the lines or putting your foot down).
Pass the driving test and your done. Full license no restrictions in 2 days.
There is also another way, you can take the written get your permit and sign up for a CA approved Cycle Safety class. if you take the class you dont even have to take the driving test! Soon as the class is over you have a full license.

Now on to subject B lol, the only way your license is going to get taken from you on the side of the road here is if your plastered drunk. You have to get i think 4 or 5 speeding tickets before anything like that happens and usually you can get out of it or get it for work and school at least.
