August BOTM winner is.......


Staff member
adamo3957 :steve::cheer: Great photo!

Hehe, all I took was a little bit of studio help...

Oh, and how many spotted the cable for the heated grips?
Congrats, still want to know why my July winner never made it on the main page :(
Because Dennis is behind a few months on getting the front page image updated.
Because Dennis is behind a few months on getting the front page image updated.

ahh, figures when i finally win LOL

like the artsy picture this month. All of them are good really so hard to choose.
Great work Adam!

Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2
Yea sorry Tony but the site maintenance is very minimal. all of the owners / admins have day jobs and many other sites im sure. and as the years go by they have less and less time for this bike that came out in 2009.

it was pretty obvious the 3 years I trolled this site daily. not that you would know by my post count or rep points. lol

well what i meant (other than being bitter about my picture not getting up:banghead:) is that i didnt see a BOTM message/pictures for this month. And hey no dissing our bike just because it came out in 09, and hasnt changed a lick, and is getting discontinued, lol
thanks to all the admins for the time they do spend.
