ATTN: CA riders - ACH or Mulholland ride 1-11-14

You guys think you will be meeting up over the summer as well? I just got my first bike, so I'm not confident enough to come yet (plus I'm up in San Luis Obispo for school right now), but it definitely sounds like fun. I'm hoping that by summer I will be more confident, and I'll be back in town for the break...
You guys think you will be meeting up over the summer as well? I just got my first bike, so I'm not confident enough to come yet (plus I'm up in San Luis Obispo for school right now), but it definitely sounds like fun. I'm hoping that by summer I will be more confident, and I'll be back in town for the break...

Your the Simi guy right? I cant speak for everyone but im up at ACH at least once a month and Mulholland probably more than that its so close. If you don't mind riding with old dudes I will be around lol.

Still open for takers this Saturday. 3 confirmed so far.
Well I'm in. Would it be alright if I invite my friend with a non-FZ6R?!

ugh, if you have to, but he will have to ride 5 lengths behind us LMAO. I personally don't care as long as its not like a moped or something we going to have to push up the mountain, or a Harley that will hurt my ears or break down :)

that's 4, or 5 with buddy
Haha. It's okay. He just bought a used R1 and he's not confident on it yet in the canyon. He's pretty quick on his SV1000 though.
Haha. It's okay. He just bought a used R1 and he's not confident on it yet in the canyon. He's pretty quick on his SV1000 though.

So basically he can dust us with either lol. Im sure we can find a pace in between moped and R1 :) we certainly wont be going harley slow but i need no wrecks or tickets lol. Id ask my nephew with the street triple to go but his wife, my neice, is a nazi and never lets him out lol, plus he needs a new rear tire.
My Dad has an RSV4 Factory if you're worried about keeping up... haha

shows you you what i know, i had to look it up. That looks ridiculously fast. Of course compared the 6r so do the R1 and the SV :)
just dont leave me behind :)
In the canyons, it's whomever is the most comfortable going the fastest that actually goes the fastest... it really has little to do with who has the fastest or biggest bike... lol. Seriously.

There are some scary fast canyon riders that I see up there that I don't even bother trying to keep pace with. Some on much smaller bikes than me... I just let them pass. It's not a contest. But, if it were to be, then whomever has a nice fun ride and still gets home to their family safe & sound without incident, wins! In my book at least. lol...

That said, be careful up at ACH this weekend, because CHP may increase patrols. There was a motorcycle fatality up there this past Sunday PM, and the road was shutdown in both directions for hours. A Harley rider in a half helmet ran wide over the double & slammed into a Lexus head on. RIP rider.

It screwed me up b'cuz I was forced by CHpP to make a u-turn on that gravel-laden road, which was quite scary. Then I had a heart attack when a pack of deer ran across the road about 50 meters in front of me on UBTCR coming outbid a left turn.. again! Good thing i was looking ahead and not gunning it. so i decided to slow way the F down. But downhill on AFH into Sunland was still fun tho. I ended up tailing a pack of slow vehicles, and another rider on a CBR600RR was also stuck in the mix. and we managed to pass the cars & rode down the mountain together. For some reason riding in a group builds passing confidence...

Stay safe!
There are some scary fast canyon riders that I see up there that I don't even bother trying to keep pace with. Some on much smaller bikes than me... I just let them pass. It's not a contest. But, if it were to be, then whomever has a nice fun ride and still gets home to their family safe & sound without incident, wins! In my book at least. lol...


Totally agree, No one has a stop watch, there is no prize for beating anyone anywhere. I have seen some serious crazy dudes but they are pretty few and far in between thankfully, same on muholland or any "motorcycle" road though. I will say that when I take UBTC I will usually pick up the pace a bit. I have never seen a cop on that road and the big sweeping turns are great and it has the old style better pavement. Nice thing about ACH is all the places to pull over, make sure everyone is ok, switch leaders etc. Will be an awesome ride for beginner to advanced. Awesome views of the city.
great cant wait! im not going to prove anything to anyone I just want to enjoy a nice ride with my 6R fam on sweet twisties and great views

sounds like a good weekend to me

Exactly, going to be a great ride, im getting excited too. I want to see 4 or 5 FZ6R in a line with their I-4s purring away lol. Will be cool to meet everyone too so anyone else wants to jump on let us know. Don't worry all you frozen guys we will post up some pictures for you and have a toast in your honor :)
