Article on where accidents happen.


Admin of Socks & Puppets
The man who wrote that paper knows alot. I agree with it.

MOST riders who have a nasty crash can only blame themselves. People like to 'gun-it' down a road and they lose control, crashing into something. That's how most people hurt themselves. I hope more people read the paper.

I know a very scary place that shows EVERYTHING about motorcycle accidents. I don't think it's a good idea if I show it to you...
No ride to die. He is a super troll. I have dealt with him on another forum. The guy is anti motorcycle.
No ride to die. He is a super troll. I have dealt with him on another forum. The guy is anti motorcycle.

I didn't think it was a good idea. Too bad the person seems in it for the money.

No ride to die. He is a super troll. I have dealt with him on another forum. The guy is anti motorcycle.

I was wondering what his motive for the study was, didn't really seem to have a hypothesis or conclusion. Other than "See, it is your fault" Good information to pay attention to, too bad it came from bad intentions.
