Are you riding safe? Take this quiz!!

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Countersteer isn't a strategy or alternative method or anything new - it's just a description for the way any 2 wheeled vehicle works. I'm certain you know it in application. It just is the fact that you must lean to turn a 2 wheeled vehicle, and the way you initiate that lean is by pushing the handlebar in the direction you want to go. It's so natural that it really doesn't need a term.

You mean the opposite direction of where you want to go. To go right you actually push the right bar forward to initiate the turn and the farther you push it the more you lean over...

That is what counter steering is.
Sorry if I was not clear, but you do not push opposite. You push the handlebar in the direction you want to go, like I said - not opposite. If you want to go right, you push forward on the right side. If you want to go left, you push forward on the left handlebar.

I think you might had been thinking I said that you turn the fork in the direction you want to go, but that is not what I said.

In any case... migraine today so I've got the pain meds going and I may not be thinking clearly. For that reason... I'm off the bike today. :(

we are saying the same thing... lol

if you want to go right you push the right bar forward, hence you turn the front wheel in the opposite direction you want to go, hence the name "counter steering". If the front wheel was being turned in the same direction as the turn then it wouldn't be COUNTER, it would just be simply steering.

That's the entire basis of the name.
Trying to justify drinking and driving, F'ing amazing dude. You really need to wake up before you're dead.
That's your opinion... You're entitled to it.

Proof is in the pudding for me... Been riding over 20 years, never even scratched any of my bikes, much less dropped one or wrecked.

There is always one twat. Fingers crossed it's a single vehicle accident when your luck runs out.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
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Again... that is your opinion! In most states .08 is the limit, so if you are under that, you are legal to ride or drive. If two to three beers causes you to drop your ride, then switch to a cage.

actually that's not the case, there is a growing trend that involves many states dropping the value for motorcyclists to .05. My state is actually working on this right now, I expect it to occur in the next year or 2. The majority of states are working on dropping it down to .05 for bikes, several already have.

this is from 2004: _alcohol_limits_CHART.htm

most of these have started to change in the last few years. It's going to progressively get more strict on people as well. It's only a matter of time.

This is a more recent list:

it's still several years old but you can already see that many states have been lowering their legal limits already. no more .1 numbers on there.
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Again... that is your opinion! In most states .08 is the limit, so if you are under that, you are legal to ride or drive. If two to three beers causes you to drop your ride, then switch to a cage.

It's not opinion if it's backed up with statistics, that's called a fact.

Drink drivers are the scum of the earth (now that's my opinion). You effectively have the thought, process of "well i'll keep doing this extremely reckless, irresponsible and idiotic thing until I hurt someone".

It is indefensible.

If you can't see the flaw in your thinking, hell you don't deserve to be on a bloody push bike.

Drink driving laws should be zero tolerance, fingers crossed they move that way over time.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
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Sorry udrunkbro?

Blue you need some help mate.

It's pretty obvious you're just trolling, no sane person would defend riding while taking something that has been proven through scientific study to adversely affect reaction times, balance and perception.

Go back under the bridge from whence you came.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk

Sorry udrunkbro?

Blue you need some help mate.

It's pretty obvious you're just trolling, no sane person would defend riding while taking something that has been proven through scientific study to adversely affect reaction times, balance and perception.

Go back under the bridge from whence you came.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk

I personally don't think he's trolling, he's trying to say that he's okay driving within the legal limits for the most part. Though I can see his point, I do disagree with it as it is a hell of a thing to drink and then drive.

If I go out and have a few drinks while on the bike I do make sure I have had ample time to clean my system before getting on the bike myself. But then again I'm the type that just enjoys the taste of a beer not the impact of alcohol, though I will admit I did get pretty piss drunk a few weeks back at my friends house but that was after getting bad news about my recovery from a recent surgery to fix my foot and I certainly didn't drive that night, nobody could... Hell, I woke up with 2 people on top of me, thank god they were women.... lmao.

But yeah, I view drinking and driving as a very sad judgement for those that do it. Hell, driving while high is another stupid thing to do... I wont get into that one though.

If you are driving and going to go where there is alcohol, have the sense to limit yourself so that you can be sober by the time you need to drive, as in less than .02. If you are carrying passengers you are responsible to bring them home alive and well and even if you are just on the road riding by yourself you have a responsibility to get there alive. Don't become the statistic that your family and friends have to bury because you had a little too much alcohol in your system....

I've had to deal with the consequences of a friend that drank too much and decided to drive. She killed a man with her car and crippled her best friend for life. She went to jail for 10-11 years and we her friends still have to answer for her actions to this day. Hell, just a couple years ago I got a phone call to appear on a TV show about her case. I refused just like everyone else that I know though but the fact is this kind of stuff will come around to haunt not only you for the rest of your life but your friends and family as well. Be smart enough not to put that on them....
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