Anyone From California??

bay area

Im from san francisco, if u guys are seriously interested lets meet up this Sunday then would be nice if we did something out here in California like a get together or something. I was thinking sequoia national park. So let's persay we did this, what's our head count so far? Anyonr heard of shaver lake?
New Thread

I should post a new Thread Titled California Riders Meet up or something and see if maybe people will show some interest and see if we could get a group going to meet up and hang out.

I mean what do u think we need to come up with a time and well other than meeting up what is there to do just chill meet up and then ride?

The problem is i work in sales and off one weekend a month this weekend happens to be it. Shaver is full of nice twistys if i remember with a where we can park infront of the lake parking lot that gots boat rentals and fishing areas. Let me know.

Just make a thread and see if anyone answers back about this weekend for shaver lake. if enough or decent amount of people then we are game lol.
