any riders in TX?

Dallas here!
I'm at the "dirty little creek" (San Antonio) here...

How's the ride in Texas?

Hello! I'm a rider from Ontario, Canada and I'll be in College Station, TX next April for school. I'm only there three months but I've been wanting to take my 6r with me because it's warmer than here and I'd like to think I'd get to use it often.

I've heard a couple things from my dad's co-worker who lives in San Antonio...and they haven't been good:( I guess what I'm looking for is how you would describe your riding experiences in are motorcyclists viewed by other drivers down there? Do they respect riders? What about theft?

I'd like an honest opinion, so no need to sugar coat anything...and if there are an suggestions about other options for riding (bc that's three months without if I don't take it!) I'd love to hear them.

Thanks in advance:)
