Any Back Protectors That Really Breathe?


New Member
I'm a new rider, so I don't have much experience with a variety of gear. I have an Icon D3O Back Protector in my riding jacket.


Of course, I cleared all the obstructed holes in the back protector with my handy dremmel tool. (Trying to cut them with a razor was ridiculous.)

But the problem is, the darn thing is a SWEAT FACTORY! My back sweats like crazy wearing this thing in the summer heat. It's not even crazy hot here - mid-high-80s.

So, can anyone recommend a back protector that breathes better?
You may not have a good selection... If anything you can wear bionic gear on your clothes if you want something breathable.


With my daily commute, I wear full leathers and pants in the hot 90 degree weather. Whenever I take off my gear, no sweat. Why? Because I wear a base layer.

There's a reason why all the base layers have good ratings. Because it actually works! Also the fact that it's cheap!!! It was the best $20 I spent aside from my other gears.

I wear the long sleeve and long pants since I wear full gear. If you don't want to be seen wearing long sleeves, you can always opt for short sleeves.

Good luck on the search, none of my back protectors are "breathable".
I use this one from AlpineStar - - Seem's more breathable to me than my stock foam pad and it's an upgrade. It doesn't have that hard shell protector though. I have it in a textile jacket, not sure if you have something else like leather. Looks like that one you have is made of pure silicon/polyethylene. Mine is a dense hard flexible foam (like memory foam).
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I use this one from AlpineStar - - Seem's more breathable to me than my stock foam pad and it's an upgrade. It doesn't have that hard shell protector though. I have it in a textile jacket, not sure if you have something else like leather. Looks like that one you have is made of pure silicon/polyethylene. Mine is a dense hard flexible foam (like memory foam).

I agree with urbanduckman, the alpinestar ce2 rated back and chest protectors are probably your best bet. The foam inserts that come in most alpinestar jackets are not protective at all. They call them comfort foam. The alpinestar nucleon kr-2i back protector contours to your back and hardens on impact to spread the force evenly. I just got the chest and back inserts last week and they're comfortable and breathable.
