another distracted cager

Here's an update from a rider's blog. The prosecutor dismissed the original traffic charge to avoid a potential double-jeopardy issue if more serious charges are brought.

One thing that shocks me is this...the prosecutor says at the end of the post why he dismissed the original charge. Then he states that there was a possibility that if she plead guilty to the original traffic charge, that more serious charges couldn't be brought later. I get that...what shocks me is that her attorney isn't sharp enough to have caught that technicality, and the prosecutor apparently didn't know about it for the first 4 weeks after the accident. Her attorney really missed the boat here...he could've gotten her off nearly scott-free.

Here's the link...Update Anita Zaffke's killer has ticket dismissed, prosecutor displays ignorance
Sad....what else can you say?:(

These stories are more frequent than I realized.....:confused:
These are sickening stories that I hate to read (and I hate it even worse when Mrs. Chemiker reads them. But the fact is that it happens.

When I see a story like this, I'm always disgusted and mad, but also grateful that I have these reminders to keep me focused when riding. People drive like this, and I have to be on the lookout for them. Keep my eyes open and my head moving and get out of people's way. These stories also remind me to kiss and enjoy my family as much as possible every chance I get.

Ride safe everyone.
that story makes me ill ! After reading that story it makes me want to put a boot in someones door when I see them texting or doing their hair . I was going to go for a ride but now I don't know if I want to now I may drag some cager out of their car for talking on the phone and driving
This does make me mad. We recently had a law passed here in WA that you can't talk on cell phones while driving, believe CA passed at same time. The thing is it's a secondary offense meaning they can't pull them over for it, but if have another cause to pull them over can get a ticket for this.

Funny thing is that since it passed I see more idiots doing this more than ever. That clip of drivers reading or texting really makes me mad. I don't know how these morons can go on living with themselves. There should be a number we can call and report them.
Another area rider lost his life this last weekend. Cager made a left turn directly in front of him, no time to react. RIP Watch it out there boys and girls! Be safe! :(
This does make me mad. We recently had a law passed here in WA that you can't talk on cell phones while driving, believe CA passed at same time. The thing is it's a secondary offense meaning they can't pull them over for it, but if have another cause to pull them over can get a ticket for this.

Funny thing is that since it passed I see more idiots doing this more than ever. That clip of drivers reading or texting really makes me mad. I don't know how these morons can go on living with themselves. There should be a number we can call and report them.

Cops here and nj can roll you for talking on a cellphone.
As I believe it should be.. People who need to talk can pull over or ignore the call till they get home. Person 2 cars in front of me last night was driving without their lights on and could not stay in their lane. Finally get a chance to pass them and they are yacking on their phone.

I have no problem talking and driving. What's the difference between that and talking to the passenger next to me or sitting behind you? Or singing like an idiot to the song that's blasting on the radio. Some people can multitask very well and some can't.

You can still talk, you just have to be on a hands free communicator.

I'm a hands-free advocate... As long as you don't have to look at it to operate it, I'm good with it.

It's the clueless texters (not to mention those that use BOTH HANDS TO TEXT); the morning hustlers turning the rear view into a make-up mirror; the absolute morons that feel that they have to turn and look at their passengers to carry on a conversation while waving their arms around like an open field ref; and my favorite -- the Darwin candidates that have a book or magazine spread across the steering wheel...

I don't think a traffic ticket quite says it... perhaps mandatory sterilization, so they can't reproduce...
