6 things: life's lessons in bars


New Member
Yesterday night on the Air Force Base, I learned a lot about life, at the enlisted club, from an amazing woman.

She said "Nate, there are 3 things you don't talk about, Religion, Politics and Money, never tell anyone how to spend their money, or how you spend yours, it won't change."

I was riveted as she kept some people (2 couples) entertained and mouth agape for 30 minutes of non stop stories. Her half italian hands flew, as she rapidly spoke, accentuating everything she spoke of.

"There are also 3 things you can always.... always talk about. Booze, Food, and Music." She continued, "Even if you like jazz, and the other people like screamo, you can still level with them."

What do ya'll think?
Yesterday night on the Air Force Base, I learned a lot about life, at the enlisted club, from an amazing woman.

She said "Nate, there are 3 things you don't talk about, Religion, Politics and Money, never tell anyone how to spend their money, or how you spend yours, it won't change."

I was riveted as she kept some people (2 couples) entertained and mouth agape for 30 minutes of non stop stories. Her half italian hands flew, as she rapidly spoke, accentuating everything she spoke of.

"There are also 3 things you can always.... always talk about. Booze, Food, and Music." She continued, "Even if you like jazz, and the other people like screamo, you can still level with them."

What do ya'll think?

In brazil you never talk about soccer. Unless if you root for the same team, if not will be an endless dispute and you never return home.
I used to own a bar.....

All the customers were nice until they had a few drinks and then some of them turned into assholes. All of them, after a few drinks knew how to run the bar business better than me. They knew what snacks I should order and what booze to buy and what music to put into the juke box.

The honest truth is that none of them were ever right. I tried a few of their suggestions and they all were failures, didn't sell or were totally wrong.

The best suggestion is to never take advice from a drunk......:)
What about the ones that don't drink alcohol?

Those were the ones that drank Coke in a glass with free refills and always gave a $5.00 tip. They played pool (which I got all the $$ from) and ran the juke box (which I got 1/2 the $$) and stayed nice even after 2 or 3 drinks...LOL....
They also kept the peace, didn't participate in BS contests and bought drinks for the drunks. Loved to have them in the bar.

They didn't take advice from drunks either....;)
In brazil you never talk about soccer. Unless if you root for the same team, if not will be an endless dispute and you never return home.

As somebody who used to play soccer in college, I would love that. Here in the states when I bring up soccer in a bar, I get bitched at...LOL
Yesterday night on the Air Force Base, I learned a lot about life, at the enlisted club, from an amazing woman.

She said "Nate, there are 3 things you don't talk about, Religion, Politics and Money, never tell anyone how to spend their money, or how you spend yours, it won't change."

I was riveted as she kept some people (2 couples) entertained and mouth agape for 30 minutes of non stop stories. Her half italian hands flew, as she rapidly spoke, accentuating everything she spoke of.

"There are also 3 things you can always.... always talk about. Booze, Food, and Music." She continued, "Even if you like jazz, and the other people like screamo, you can still level with them."

What do ya'll think?

Totally true! Fantastic quote.

Same exact words my fathers used to say. He passes away, but will never forget that advice. You make more friends and people enjoy talking to you.
Did I score? No, she's married. And I have rules. I think ya'll missed the point . . .

Learning how to speak to people will get my foot in the door, I'm typically socially awkward until people get to know me. Then, I can make them laugh and knock people over with my stories and experiences. If I can't even get my foot in the door.... that's the problem.

Thanks for all the thoughts, everyone. I played soccer in college too, miss it.
Well this is some new I heard. I am trying to apply this in my life and check it practically.
Yesterday night on the Air Force Base, I learned a lot about life, at the enlisted club, from an amazing woman.

She said "Nate, there are 3 things you don't talk about, Religion, Politics and Money, never tell anyone how to spend their money, or how you spend yours, it won't change."

I was riveted as she kept some people (2 couples) entertained and mouth agape for 30 minutes of non stop stories. Her half italian hands flew, as she rapidly spoke, accentuating everything she spoke of.

"There are also 3 things you can always.... always talk about. Booze, Food, and Music." She continued, "Even if you like jazz, and the other people like screamo, you can still level with them."

What do ya'll think?
and you didnt get a pic to share with us? :(

BTW are you in albuquerque or south NM?

Sage advice... the original quote.

Politics got me involved in more bar scuffles than Krav class...
