3D MODEL OF OUR BIKE! even better 3D printed model of bike!


Monster Member
Elite Member
That is pretty sweet; I'm in the process of CAD'ing my own handlebars...if that crown was an exact copy off the original design drawings, I'd chip in in a second. Getting my measurements for mounting holes that much more exact would put me more at ease (I already called Yamaha and they won't give me their measurements :mad: so I'm currently using the 'ol digitized pictures with rulers and calipers method).

Good find though and really way cool!
This is freeken sweet!

3d yamaha diversion f

but It cost way too much money! unless we get a few memebers to pitch in and we can purchase this 3D model of our bike(well it is the xj diversion with farings).

I would like to buy this as a group there after I can have scaled versions of our bike printed in a 3D printer. The 3D printer would have its own expense to it but with a small model it should be cheap!

any of you interested?

VERY cool but any spare change I got is going to pay off the bike right now.
So the XJ division really looks like this? Either way not every model looks great printed esp if its not put together well. Parts have to be sealed and double sided and be set up properly to even be printable. This usually means making sure things are supported and can stand on their own. Just something to consider pre-purchase.
This is freeken sweet!

3d yamaha diversion f

but It cost way too much money! unless we get a few memebers to pitch in and we can purchase this 3D model of our bike(well it is the xj diversion with farings).

I would like to buy this as a group there after I can have scaled versions of our bike printed in a 3D printer. The 3D printer would have its own expense to it but with a small model it should be cheap!

any of you interested?

