23rd annual Ride to Work Day - 6/16/14


New Member
23rd Annual International Ride To Work Day
Monday, June 16, 2014


Ride your motorcycle or scooter on this day to demonstrate:
-The number of motorcyclists to the general public and to politicians.
-That motorcyclists are from all occupations and all walks of life.
-That motorcyclists can reduce traffic and parking congestion in large cities.
-That motorcycles are for transportation as well as recreation.
-That motorcycling is a social good.

Ride To Work | Ride To Work::
i never ride to work, id have to bring my work clothes in a backpack and stick my head under the sink and dry it to remove my helmet head. Such a hassle, i would love to go on this day but actually will be on vacation in Lake Tahoe. I hope everyone else does though.
Communte on two wheels whenever I can

I'm in, assuming that we are not due for a summer monsoon.
