2011 Long Beach IMS Show


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i plan on going the 10th if my schedule lets me
most likely with my meetup.com group i ride with
I've never been to a big show like this. Are the queues for demos rides reasonable? Do the dealers offer any special deals on new bikes?

Yamaha will be demo'ing the 2012 R1's. :). I already bought my tix but just dunno which day I'm going yet. Will ck back here once I know...
I'm thinking of going this year too. Will try for the 10th too.
hi chris! i saw on SCAR web site u switched from your Kawa to Yama...

how u liking the 6R?

i'm no longer in SCAR btw... long story, but there are some asshole bullies in that group that picked on me. so, i just let Marc know who these jerks were, and i decided to leave. don't wanna run into them on any events ever.. i'm always nice to ppl, so i don't get why some ppl are so ego-maniac jerks... sigh.

They still have demos Sunday I think. So u should be ok :)
I'm going Saturday... I think I'll ride up from SD if the weather is decent. Anybody feel free to join me or we can meet there for lunch or caffeine intake or something. :D
Rode up to Long Beach on my 6r and checked out the Progressive International Motorcycle Show. Long Beach, CA | International Motorcycle Shows If you live in So Cal, I would recommend checking it out tomorrow (9 to 5). All the major manufacturers were there letting attendees swing a leg over their 2012 models, and some were outside hosting demo rides. I fell in love with the Kawi ZX14r! There was a big custom chopper build-off with some pretty creative entries. Lots of seminars and a stunt show too Pushed my way through the crowd to meet the 2012 Ducati Panigale. Stopped in Laguna Beach on the way home to check out the sunset. :) All in all a pretty fun day!! The photos below were taken with my phone so they kinda suck... but whateva!

Motorcycles were free parking so it was a sea of bikes:

The Alien Bike Rocked!! Here's some of the detail:

If I were ever to buy a cruiser, and had 40K, I'd probably get a Chief. I've loved this bike ever since I was a little kid:

Another custom contender:

Taking a break to watch the sunset in Laguna...
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Brambo had some hot models. And I don't mean bikes! lol
Anybody who goes today - Need more pics of the models, bikes or otherwise! :thumbup:
