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  • thank you very much for the bday wishes. it would have been a great day but i got a speeding ticket in my bosses truck and it ended up on the news lol
    Thanks for the birthday wishes bud.
    It's just getting into winter here, weather is turning to sh#t & I've got a cold!!!!
    Grumble, grumble!!!
    Unfortunately I am away from home and my bike for about another month so no go on vids right now. When I get back I will post one up and with a couple of people recently installing the exhaust maybe they can post some sound clips.
    Thank you!! I have no secrets. I hope that some of the products on my bike can reach the mainstream public after I do some real world testing. I feel both disappointed but optimistically challenged by the lack of choices in aftermarket products at this point. I think the bike will really take off in the market, and more choices will soon follow.
    The 2Bros is awesome. Kind of pricey but well worth every penny. The sound is amazing, I'm actually contemplating putting the silencer in because it's is LOUD. Performance-wise the gain is noticeable but if I had the JuiceBox I think the gain would be better.
    As for installation, I had my dealer do it because I didn't have tools or a place to store the stocker at the time. I don't think it would be hard though, the instructions that come with it seem fairly detailed. I've been on this site since its conception and I don't think there is a installation how-to yet but if you asked I'm sure someone who installed it would post one.
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