so you wanna split huh?

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It is illegal here too. Even if it was, I wouldn't do it just because of the ignorance of most drivers around here. College town.............

Yet, saturday afternoon there was a group of 7-8 CRUISERS, with bikini wearing women on the back, borderline splittling lanes. It was more of cutting people off and riding at a wreckless pace. And here sportbike people catch all the slack while cruisers are stereotyped as older people that are more respectable on the road.
very interesting, I would like it to be legal in florida but only for those cases where traffic is less than 5mph, other than that I don't care much.
Each and every one of the 7% that block motorcyclists is guilty of Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Using one's 3000+ pound car against a motorcyclist or a pedestrian is a criminal act....Just ask the guy who hit me.

This is specifically why I wear a video cam on my helmet. The Police may decline to prosecute but in civil court the drivers don't have a prayer.
I saw this story on the local news the other day. In the Bay Area, over 70% think its illegal. I split every single day and I must say that there are those few cagers who are pissed because they have to sit in traffic and they try to block. I always find a way to get past them and I never give them any hand signals. Not worth it to take my attention away from those around me. I always love it when I spot a CHP in the traffic and I cruse on by.
That's why I've always thought they need to teach the motorcycle rules to kids getting their regular class C license. You should know ALL the rules of the road if you're going to share it with different types of vehicles.

I really wish I could find the article I read that compared the stats between people getting sideswiped or hit splitting compared to bikes being rear ended in stop and go traffic. It was staggering how many more bikes get hit from behind in traffic compared to lane splitters. I can't remember what magazine it was in (waiting room at a Jiffy Lube getting the oil changed on my company car at the time) but it was a study in California where MOST riders split lanes, and there were still FAR more accidents in stop and go traffic with riders being rear ended. If I remember right, it was something crazy like 4 times as many bikes got hit from behind when sitting in stop and go traffic compared to accidents with bikes splitting, yet something like 10 times as many riders split than don't. I've had cars try and block me. I slow down, wait until I can get by and pass them. When I'm in the cage I'm constantly checking the mirrors to make room from bikes. And I did that long before I rode. In SD, especially this time of year, there are tons of bikes during rush hour because our traffic is so bad. Splitting is almost a must do. I probably got passed by 20 or more bikes splitting lanes today on the way home. I'm not saying it's an ideal place to put yourself. But when I read that article that showed the huge number of bikes who get clobbered from behind compared to splitting, I decided to start doing it. Now it's second nature. I just don't commute on the bike that often anymore... solves that issue. ;)

I live in the east bay, for all you non-californians, my house is about 30 minutes north east of SF... I was hit while splitting 11/3/16 and have to say this woman didnt look worth a DAMN! i was at her right front fender and she came over all kamikaze stlye and took me out at 50mph.... been back on the bike since then.. (same bike i might add... love being mechanically inclined... frame sliders saved my ARSE!)
USA - Oregon proposed a bill in 2015 but it didn't pass. It apllied to interstate only and only if traffic is 20 mph or less.

Ever since then, many do it just the same taking the chance. The lanes here are so narrow in the inner city its a test to pick and choose where you fit. Thus, many have taken to riding the right shoulder through all the debris. I'm guessing that would be nice fine if caught? Its very high risk compared to splitting as people never check their mirrors for a look ahead on the shoulder...
I didn't realize it was illegal everywhere else but Cali. I couldn't imagine not being able to split lanes in certain traffic out here although I try to avoid it as much as possible
Around here people are so distracted by phones they dont even go at the green lights.... i hate living in the city, I can't wait to get back out of here.

+10 ^^^^^

People's - put your sh$tz down an pay attention to the road!!!

Main reason I rarely commute on the bike... too much risk for the reward...
