January 2015 BOTM - winner - JonKerr


Super Moderator
The January 2015 photo contest gallery is up and ready for uploads! Once you click the link below you will see a text hyperlink named "Upload Photo" in the upper right hand corner of the gallery. Click on that to start your upload.

January 2015 BOTM <== click here

Gallery set up will on the 1st weekend of the month (or as close as we can )
Uploads will be the first 2 weeks of the month
Voting will be enabled on Dec.14th
And our winner announced on Dec.21st
The winner's photo will posted on the home page for that month
And possibly a calendar at the end of the year

Rules are:
1. No photo shopping please, a little tweak is fine though
2. This is a family friendly forum, keep it tasteful.
3. It does not have to be an FZ6R, but it does have to be your bike to qualify
4. One picture per member can be entered every month, unless you won the previous month. You must wait 2 months before entering again after winning.

Thank You All and may the best picture win!!!.
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Yeah!! We have 2 entries so far!!!

So let's just give this a Sat. morning bump
Some purdy ladies are in the running for January!
So, where's your's?!?!?! It's summer in OZ, get out there an take one! :)

yep.. my thoughts exactly.... my baby's been inside too long... waited almost two weeks for a new battery, then when it got in... snow and below freezing temps...

I am being courteous to the current FZ6R/ XJ6 members, as my ladies are neither...but if you want to see my girls go up I will. (keeping in mind they are R6 & SV1000S)

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I am being courteous to the current FZ6R/ XJ6 members, as my ladies are neither...but if you want to see my girls go up I will. (keeping in mind they are R6 & SV1000S)

If you'd like to enter, Please Do!
It only has to be your bike to qualify :)
But I think you can only enter one pic, so pick between your R6 & and your SV.
We've got some really nice pics so far! :D
Well you guys really stepped up! Lovin' all the pics you've uploaded.....

Voting will start tomorrow

so if you're still thinking about tossing one in, now's the time!

January 2015 BOTM <== click here

Let's all show a little love here and take just a minute to vote ;)
Prelusive, looks like you got your picture 'righted'!
