Has anyone ordered a Skully Helmet?


New Member
Im wondering if anyone has pre ordered one of the new Skully helmets that have a rear view camera and are starting at $1400? Or you can get the prototype which i guess they think is going to be a collectors item or something for $25,000 ??? i really wanted one but its just way out of reach for us common folk which sucks since it could save accidents and even lives. On another thread we started counting how many skullys did your blank cost. For example how many skullys did your bike cost? my FZ6R brand new only cost 4.5 skully helmets.
Considering a good Shoei or Arai will run you $600+, a gopro $200, a coms system $200, gps another $100+... it's not far off in price.... just all in one lump purchase

yeah im not sure i agree with that but everyone has their own opinion, especially on helmets and 87 vs 91 lol. I think you are paying mostly for the name and bigger profits with shoei, arai and gopro. However at least they have the track records, skully has no track record of making top notch helmets, or of anything. It hasnt even passed DOT yet never mind ECE or snell. if it doesnt thats going to be a lot of refunds lol. i actually wish them luck, i think its a great idea and the more they sell the quicker someone else will make one at half the price.
i guess no one has. I see that today they announced that in order to be able to bring the helmet to more people they are going to allow you to pre order for 1500 but only drop 500 now as deposit? then another 1000 when it ships.
I would need to try one on before dropping that kind of coin. I had trouble finding a "normal" helmet to fit my goofy mellon as is.
No skully but this one is definitely on my wish list.


  • venom_large.jpg
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Yes it does. :D
I saw this and immediately wanted one, yet I can't buy one. Who doesn't want a heads up display?!

Ever since I saw the first video of this helemt, one question that came to mind was "If this technology is what people want and are willing to pay for, why haven't the top tier helemt brands like Shoei or Arai brought this to market?" Those companies already have the following, and could possibly adapt some of their best selling models to include this tech. as an option. I think Skully's biggest hurdle is going to be the fact that they are completely unknown as a helmet company. That's too big of a gamble in my opinion.

I agree with you that for a company that has never made a helmet before to charge 1500 per unit is ridiculous. For that kind of money i want a true heads up display like an F22. The little plastic piece doesnt scream $1500 to me and lets face it the number one job of a helmet is protect your head. They have taken everyones money as "deposits" to fund their production yet the helmet hasn't been approved by DOT or anyone to my knowledge. That little reticle thingy could wind up in someones eye during testing so you never know. I would love to have the rear cam view (my integrated BT helmet does everything else this does at $240) but not for that kind of dough. i will wait for refined and more realistically priced models.
Skully doesn't have a cam though, so you'd be buying a cam separately anyway.

You mean like a go pro cam to record your ride? Im sure they will add that in the next model for $2500 :)
the rear camera is really what i want, would be very nice not to have to turn my head for blindspots or see cars coming up from behind you.
