VA Claim finally decided

VA declared me 100% disabled and now with my pension I make $6,000 a month sitting on my butt. :)
100% man your jacked up :D But that is good, take your years of taxes back. I know I would.
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Just like the army to get 100%.... I got infantry marine buddy's with missing limbs and only get 80%.... I got Nerve damage and navy docs claiming it's pre-existing condition.... Maybe I should have join the army.... All in all congrats man.... Vets don't get what they deserve... Army navy marines even Air Force get assed out.... That's why the military likes young kids to join its Easier to f*** them over....

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MEFSOC Forecon Marine here. '00 Somalia, wall to my back took an RPG during a fire fight. Broken jaw, cheek bone, right eye socket fracture, 6 broken ribs, extended shoulder, 3 fractured vertebrae, lacerations to a good portion of the right side of my body, loss of hearing. I never did heal right and have constant back problems. Humped it 7k out to LZ for extraction carrying my lifeless friend. I get diddly ****ing squat from the VA. As far as I'm concerned they can kiss my ***.
MEFSOC Forecon Marine here. '00 Somalia, wall to my back took an RPG during a fire fight. Broken jaw, cheek bone, right eye socket fracture, 6 broken ribs, extended shoulder, 3 fractured vertebrae, lacerations to a good portion of the right side of my body, loss of hearing. I never did heal right and have constant back problems. Humped it 7k out to LZ for extraction carrying my lifeless friend. I get diddly ****ing squat from the VA. As far as I'm concerned they can kiss my ***.

Dude did you make a VA claim?
What kinda disability is it ? i'm curious to know also...

I had 18 claims approved. They use some crazy math to figure it out.

Sleep Apnea 50%, PTSD 30% and then they gave me 10% each for 16 other claims which were DDD (Degenerative Disc Disease) and DJD (Degenerative Joint Disease). I have pain in every joint in my body, spinal fusion of my C6/C7 disc. I now have a titanium plate and titanium screws in my neck. 3 right knee dislocations with 2 surgeries. Both shoulders are torn and beyond repair. My entire back from neck to buttocks has bulging discs. Bad headaches from them going into my neck and shocking me with electric. Abdominal hernia beyond repair. And a few more. math works like.

Sleep Apnea is 50% so they start you off with that. PTSD was 30% so they take 30% of the 50% and add it to the 50% which is 15% so my total for both is now 65%. and then 10% of the 65% which is 6.5% which now gives me 71.5%. Now do that process for all the other 15 10% ratings I got and it takes me way over 100%.

Biggest thing is getting everything in your medical records before you retire. And claim everything you can when you get out. It took them 19 months to decide my claim so I got all the back pay for 19 months which was $62,000. Now with my pension, disability, wife's pay and VA college money we bring home $10,000 a month. Not bad for 21 years service. What branch you were in has nothing to do with it.

Hope this answers most of your questions. If anyone needs help with their VA claim send me a PM.
Just like the army to get 100%.... I got infantry marine buddy's with missing limbs and only get 80%.... I got Nerve damage and navy docs claiming it's pre-existing condition.... Maybe I should have join the army.... All in all congrats man.... Vets don't get what they deserve... Army navy marines even Air Force get assed out.... That's why the military likes young kids to join its Easier to f*** them over....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Branch has nothing to do with it. It's on you to get your medical records straight before you got out.
How can you prove half that is caused by your time in the Army? I'm not saying it wasn't (I'm former Navy), but wondering how you prove claims like that. Glad you got that taken care of and can move on brother! Thanks for you service and sacrifice. No one understands like other vets.

I just made the claim and VA sorts it out. They stated that 18 claims were service connected. I actually put about 50 claims in. As long as you have it in your medical records before you get out most likely it will be service connected. I was a 13B which is a Field Artilleryman. I lived in the field jumping out of helicopters, ruck marches and all that crazy combat stuff. It's called taking care of yourself before you get out.
