In need of a riding partner


New Member
Does anyone live in the Rapid City South Dakota area???? I am a female rider looking for another female rider to ride with sometimes. I am bored with riding alone. :(

Let me know.....:banghead:
I don't think we have one here.... I wouldn't know where to start or how to even do one.... any suggestions?
If I was heading that way, I would come ride with ya. I always enjoy riding with other people and learning from them as well. It's easier to get riding position feedback from people you ride with as well.
That is the problem.... my husband works for a major dealer here in town and I hang out there on the days I dont work just to see who comes in. I have asked a few but they only ride with "certain people" I dont see alot of female riders that want to just ride ( Im not interested in stopping at every bar along the way) I have done a few poker runs but that turns out a bust as well.
Where ion Oregon are you from? I live in the Tri_Cities, WA just above Hermiston OR and except on rare occasions am always riding alone.

Unfortunately, the only Meetup group within 50 miles of Rapid City is a BMW riders group (which looks to be all male).

However, you *can* start your own. I wouldn't be surprised if there are other women looking for the same thing in your general area.

Start here: Start a Meetup Group - Meetup

Good luck...
