much your actually worth


New Member
How much are you actually worth - YouTube

[ame=]How much are you actually worth - YouTube[/ame][/QUOTE]

someone please embed this damn video...idk why its so difficult
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thanks milton, you tech master you!
I like the video but take issues w the numbers...

they only counted skin graphs from the back of knee for $5... you can make a lot more if you use other parts of body for skin too :p
a knee is only worth $1000... A lot of ppl, with a bum knee, who would pay 5x's that right now!!

Vid does make me want to see if I can sell a kidney or a lung (eric needs a down payment for a house)!
Hey, my knee surgery was $40000. I could buy one for $1000? Oh wait, somebody has to put it in, too...

A point well made.

I especially liked the part of the good looking male loosing most of his clothes... ;)
