Riding Technique Video's


New Member
I want to generate this thread to help some of the rookie riders around here that have possibly gotten bad advice on how to ride, havent taken the MSF, or just to broaden your knowledge of proper riding.

The first video is about counter steering. You may think you know what it is, and how it reacts with your bike, but this is a MUST SEE for EVERYONE, so you know your counter steer is correct. Best 16 minutes of learning you can get from youtube in this video.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWH_QiXw5n4]Bike Cornering Bible - YouTube[/ame]

I will continue to add videos and techniques to this thread. this will also be entered into the WIKI once the WIKI is ready.
Keith Code is one scary-looking dude...
Honestly I fell asleep watching TOTW. Keith Code may be the acclaimed authority on riding, but his monotone and boring presentation technique is enough to solve all your insomnia problems. LOL. I can't learn anything if the teacher can't hold my attention. Sorry. But I think his video sucks
This youtube channel has ALOT of VERY informative videos. Maybe not as entertaining as Kode's but the info is all there. There is a ton of just good general motorcycling techniques and even more for those who are interested in track riding. If this is a repost, oh well good for the new members. Enjoy.

Some of the good track specific ones




good general street riding stuff from them... check all of them:

IMO there's alot of garbage out there on youtube about body positiong with people exaggerating the movements to get their knee down. Do some research. Enjoy, and keep it safe.

Motorcyclenewsdotcom's instructional YouTube videos seem the best to me
