How'd you dump/spill your bike?


New Member
I thought I'd start this thread asking people how they dumped/spilled their bike that way we can all learn from others mistakes...

My first dump was last summer on my ninja 500 when I was 16.
I was coming home from practice one summer morning and it started to rain I was too concerned but the roads began to get very slipper as I was approaching a turn into my neighborhood I slowed down to about 5mph and started to make the turn, the mistake I made was I twisted my first too fast and the back tire spun out and I was whipped to the ground as my bike slide across the ground... Sad day.

That's my story what's yours?
I dropped my bike in my license test doing a low-speed tight turn. It was just too tight, too slow, and down it went. The crappy part was the test was being held in a really tight place and there was a wall at the edge of the turn, so I couldn't give up on the turn and accelerate in to a wider turn. By the time I decided to pull up, stop, and put my foot down it was too late. I was really mad.
2010 on the 6R. Partying the night before and got about 1 hour sleep literally. Knew I shouldn't ride but did anyways. Took a good rock to my new visor from a buddy in front of me and chipped it right in my field of vision.

Spaced out staring at the chip, and pretty much just went into la la land and kind of woke up as im already shot straight threw a corner.

Went right into the side of the mountain, super-manned off the bike and up the hill into a log and rolled back down. Dislocated my should and my whole right side really bruised up. Ankle took a nasty hit but just swollen bad. Was in full gear, leather suit, boots, gloves, helmet.

All 100% my fault.
I was riding up a steep hill when i noticed i had made a wrong turn and was heading in the opposite direction. Instead of waiting to level up and then making a U-turn, i decided to slow down and started making the turn right there and then. In doing so, I slowed down a little too much and pulled a narrower turn than i should have. I was however able to handle the weight of the bike as it started to fall ...UNTIL it started to lean past that tipping angle. At that point i was quite close the ground so i gently let go of the bike. Since i had the side bags on, i ended up scratching one of them a little bit, but nothing too obvious.
One week after my accident this last summer, I was pulling into work from my lunch break and I did my usual turn around so I could back my bike up into my parking spot. In the middle of my turn around I hit one of those damn asphalt snakes with my front tire and it jerked my bike, freaked me out and the weight of the bike took control and I ended up dropping her on her left side breaking my clutch lever. Lucky for me, I was already debating on short levers. That was my final decision maker for the levers. My coworker saw the whole thing and ended up helping me pick my bike up. Now it's a big joke between him and I. Telling everyone around me to watch out for those asphalt snakes.
First time riding with anyone from the forum. I was so excited to see another 6r, forgot to put my kickstand down. Yeah, it was one of those kinda spills. No damage thanks to my sliders but not even my insurance will cover my damaged ego :(

Live an learn!
First time I dumped I was coming home from a physical/drug test for a new job I got and I was up to a point where two lanes merged and had a lot of room in front of me. It was a busier point of the day why I had so much room, but I noticed the cars were slowing down so I started downshifting and as I approached them I noticed the person ahead of me his brake lights weren't working and they were all at a stop. and I started braking hard and next thing I know back tires off the ground I'm looking almost straight down and then my front tire locks up and I go down luckily I was only doing about 5-10 when I went down and minor damage to my bike and I just had bad road rash on my arm.
I wasn't even moving... had pulled into a parking spot, and hadn't even put the kickstand down yet... still straddling the bike, taking off my gloves and throwing them into my tank bag, unzipping my jacket, etc...

Woman comes pulling up into the spot to my left, and her passenger slams the door open without looking, into my shin *just* above the top of the boot. Took me off balance for a split second, but that's all it took... Did one of those slow motion lay-downs to the right. Slider prevented any damage.

They jumped back into their van, and backed out... I figure I must've had one hella look on my face...
4 bikes and around 35k miles no spills yet!
dropped the damn thing last week... backing out of my mom's driveway which is a downhill/sidehill affair that can really sneak up on someone like me...

bike dropped pretty hard from nearly upright, threw me a good two feet away from where she lay... Yamaha *cut* frame slider on the left-hand-side is virtually unscathed... tiny scratch on mirror on same side. no other damage, other than my ego...

hopefully that was my only one!
Apparently I can't make a slow, left-hand turn with both feet on the ground. Dumped the bike twice and each time, that's what I was doing. Basically a walking left-hand turn and WHAM! down goes the bike and me.
Mountain-side would not get out of my freakin way... Stupid mountains.


were you using the front brake? gotta have a light touch or it will shift the bike into an uncontrollable drop instantly....

It happened so fast both times, I'm not sure what I was doing. Now that you mention the front brake, it's entirely possible I had a firm grasp on it when I rolled the throttle. Good thing to know for the future.
