SICKHID.COM will never get my business after this...

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If you feel that he is in the wrong oh well it has nothing to do with the topic at hand. I would love to hear how everyone in here has never been fed up with someone or their experience with a company. Take his post as it may but there is no reason for people to be bashing or judging people on this forum. I may not be a admin but i like how this forum is "family like" supportive and always willing to lend a hand. I for one get where he was coming from he was obviously very frustrated trying to deal with or find a company that can do what he would like for his bike. I feel like this has turned into a childish battle attacking crazy for y'alls interpretation of what he mean't and said. Maybe he could of worded it better and not been defensive but if people where coming at me with what i do for a living and discrediting me i would be defensive as well. Leave it be crazy has nothing to prove to this forum or to any of its members he has been more then supportive here helping its members. If you don't like the post then move on to something else.


I agree with the notion of keeping things civil and polite, this is why I like this site so much. But, in the original post Cawi was looking for support on a incident perceived to be unjust, which should allow both agreement and disagreement responses. Mostly it seemed like Cawi was looking for a bit of payback against this guy since he felt snubbed. I agree with Cawi that the guy had a short temper and was unprofessional in his responses, but also perhaps the members here who didn't agree with Cawi's behavior also have some valid points.

Most of us have known Cawi for some time now, he has faults like all of us, they are forgiveable, but sometimes we should listen when we receive negative criticism, sometimes the critics see things we can't, and maybe we will even learn something about the way people perceive us and make changes and improve who we are.

Well, that was a bit deep, and I am certainly no Saint myself, nor are Cawi's critics, let's just get back to the happy family known as FZ6R-Forum and not continue moving in a negative direction.

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I agree with the notion of keeping things civil and polite, this is why I like this site so much. But, in the original post Cawi was looking for support on a incident perceived to be unjust, which should allow both agreement and disagreement responses. Mostly it seemed like Cawi was looking for a bit of payback against this guy since he felt snubbed. I agree with Cawi that the guy had a short temper and was unprofessional in his responses, but also perhaps the members here who didn't agree with Cawi's behavior also have some valid points.

Most of us have known Cawi for some time now, he has faults like all of us, they are forgiveable, but sometimes we should listen when we receive negative criticism, sometimes the critics see things we can't, and maybe we will even learn something about the way people perceive us and make changes and improve who we are.

Well, that was a bit deep, and I am certainly no Saint myself, nor are Cawi's critics, let's just get back to the happy family known as FZ6R-Forum and not continue moving in a negative direction.


So since road trip is the only one so far that said something logical and the five other posts before him were not. Can we go ahead and just lock this post. I see this going no where people are not catching the hint.
Besides, why go to that guy when you have someone here that does it? Just sayin'.

because i hadnt heard a while. I understand your busy but I wanted prices lol

You got them now. And I wasn't a dick about

which is why YOU will be earning my business. Need a website? LMAO :justkidding::justkidding: Ive got the $ no worries
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