Good rides in the Buena Park area?


New Member
I have my first ride/date with a girl this Saturday. Anybody know any good rides in the Buena park area, or nearby? We'll be going out later in the day, around 6-7. I'm trying to show this girl a good time..
There are some nice rides north and east of you, but nothing I'd do after dark, with a passenger, on unfamiliar roads. And also, supposed to be wet through Saturday.

Good point.. I was so focused on going out with her, that I totally didn't even consider any of that..
The one thing I would NOT do, is take a passenger on a road you are not familiar with, in the dark. Figure out where you'd want to go. Ride it a couple of times yourself. Know what the ride is going to be like so you can be prepared for it. Then take a passenger on it. Preferably in the light and in good weather. You'll impress a lot more than if you're all tensed up because you don't know the road, can't see it, and have wildly different performance than normal due to all the extra weight.

If you haven't taken a passenger before, first ride should be kind of slow, on mostly flat roads.

Yes, I understand, and I'll definitely check out some routes myself first. I just wanted to see I'd anyone knew any good routes in or near this area.

Its not my first time riding with a passenger. Its just my first time riding with a girl I'm going out with.
Ortega Canyon. At night. In rain. Perfect first date :rolleyes:
Save the ride for next time. It's going to be wet around this area.
