Does FZ8 headlight fit XJ6N?


New Member
Hey guys, i usually import parts and i need a headlight. Since it is much easier to find parts for bikes available in US, here is my question: "Does FZ8 headlight fit XJ6N?" ... I think I found a guy in German ebay saying it does fit, but i don't speak German so i'm not sure...
it will need some work, at least brackets from fz8 need some work to fit on fz6r headlight
I'm aware FZ6R (And XJ6f) headlight is different from XJ6n. I hope FZ8 headlight is the same...
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xj6n and fz6r headlights are identical, they just have different mounting hardware - the only difference between the two is that the European model has the 'crystal' at the top illuminated but the fz6r doesn't.

From looking at my mates FZ8 the headlights look identical apart from surrounds. to check if they are the same headlights a delve into the parts catalogue would be required! I shall see what info google can provide!


Just had a look online and the part codes are different, possible different mounting points?? there are two variants for the xj6 relating to global location, and one variant for the FZ8, and another variant for the FZ6R so i eat my words! lol, they all look identical so there must be tiny differences?

XJ6 part code:

20S–84300–20 - FOR GBR,IRL,ZAF

FZ8 part code:


FZ6R part code:


But after a closer look at the part codes they are similar??
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"they there must be tiny differences?"

Indeed the codes look familiar! That is why i'm so curious! Especially about the FZ8 headlight, since some people already told me the XJ6f doesn't fit naked version... Check this headlight on German ebay:

XJ6N XJ6NA FZ8N FZ8-N Scheinwerfer Lampe headlight Neu* | eBay

I've seen here in Brazil yamaha parts with similar codes and they turned out to be identical... The XJ6n headlight here brazil costs about $550.
well, if this is the headlight you are planning to buy, it's $470+shipping (ain't cheap) plus you are risking to have a headlight that doesn't perfectly fit for the bike...

well, if this is the headlight you are planning to buy, it's $470+shipping (ain't cheap) plus you are risking to have a headlight that doesn't perfectly fit for the bike...

Actually i was using this ebay anouncement just to find out if they are the same model. FZ8 is sold in USA and it is where i usually buy stuff from, this time wouldn`t be different. Here in Brazil the XJ6N headlight costs about $600. In USA, the FZ8 headlight i`ve found for something around $220.
