Mother ******!

You've got a nice round little spot on the tire and a bent plate.

It doesn't look to be more than a 1/8" deep in the meaty part of tread. I've had/got gravel stuck deeper than that, just going down my driveway.

I'm not busting on you Rook, I've the deepest respect for you. But I've got to ask the question:

Did the plate touching your rear tire cause a hole deep enough for air to leak out? As fast as your tire must have been spinning, it seems like the plate might have, at the most, scratched your tire. Not made a hole all the way through the tread.

Assuming the plate made that hole, how deep could it be? That's a lot of rubber for a flimsy license plate, instantaneously dragging a tire at high speed, to get through.

I'm thinking maybe the license plate isn't responsible for the air leaking from your tire.

I think you're right Buzz... After looking at the edge of my license plate I don't think there's anyway it caused the damage. The hole is definitely deep enough, it's leaking air... Now that I'm thinking about it I do remember going around a corner pretty hard and hitting something with my back tire... It was more then just running over a small rock . It caused my back tire to slide out a little... Maybe I hit the top of a nail head, just not sure.

All I know is those tires rock! So sticky! As you can see I'm chicken strip free ;) but damn I'm pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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how do you know they are leaking air from that spot, did you try the soapy water test?

If the air is definitely leaking from that spot then the point is really moot how it got there. I was afraid that maybe you'd bent a rim, or there was something else we were missing.

Sucks either way, though.

I should check my rims just in case....
