Chain or sprocket Noise


New Member

I am writing this because I have a strange noise on my Xj6...
Until 5500km was only the great engine sound...

I started to notice the noise when turning left on the curves ... but now, the noise is constant.

When you have your left leg resting on the tank you "isolate" the noise, but if you move your leg out, the noise is quite high.

It's only present during acceleration. If you're rolling without acceleration or if you puch the clutch, the noise disappears .

Sounds like a rubbing noise during ex: "sszszzzszszs ..."

I put the bike on center stand and began alecrating .. 1st, 2nd, 3rd ... noise begins to appear, but less intense.

It seems that come frome the front drive sprocket or the chain guide .. but it is difficult to realize from where it comes.

The chain tension is correct and the allways verified on yamaha dealer.
The chain is well lubricated with Motul Road Chain Lube.

The noise is constant, and when you put your left leg, the intense noise replace the sound of the engine.

The bike has 5800 km, and the transmission does not show signs of wear. They are like new.

I've recorded the noise with a cellphone.
It 's more perceptible at second 21.

mp3 Download link:

Download xj6.mp3 from - send big files the easy way

The recording quality is not great, and don't give the idea of the real volume of the noise,
which is actually much higher.

Has anyone had the same problem?



but so strong noise? there's any solution to that?
I've never ride a motorcycle so noisy...
..and only after 5500Km's ? Why my bike don't make the noise since the


Your chain tension might be right, but what about the alignment of the rear wheel? Those little brackets on the rear axle rotate some and the top 'marks' might be the same but the bottom tabs on the brackets themselves might be in different positions. If looking at the left bracket, is the forward bottom tab touching the swing arm or the rear tab? Then look at the right side, and see if it's touching the same as the left. I make sure both of mine are rotated so the front tabs of both are touching the swingarm. I know its not much of a difference, but may be some of the source of the additional vibration/noise. Just a thought.
I've noticed the same noise.

The only thing that seems to cure it is literally painting on lube (I used Scottoil and a paintbrush) but that only works temporarily then the sound returns. Given that it disappears when lubed to the extreme I've concluded that it must be a normal chain noise potentially from the chain guide to the front sprocket.

If anyone does know how to cure it please let me know as it is very annoying and does induce a slight bit of paranoia that something is about to break....



I am writing this because I have a strange noise on my Xj6...
Until 5500km was only the great engine sound...

I started to notice the noise when turning left on the curves ... but now, the noise is constant.

When you have your left leg resting on the tank you "isolate" the noise, but if you move your leg out, the noise is quite high.

It's only present during acceleration. If you're rolling without acceleration or if you puch the clutch, the noise disappears .

Sounds like a rubbing noise during ex: "sszszzzszszs ..."

I put the bike on center stand and began alecrating .. 1st, 2nd, 3rd ... noise begins to appear, but less intense.

It seems that come frome the front drive sprocket or the chain guide .. but it is difficult to realize from where it comes.

The chain tension is correct and the allways verified on yamaha dealer.
The chain is well lubricated with Motul Road Chain Lube.

The noise is constant, and when you put your left leg, the intense noise replace the sound of the engine.

The bike has 5800 km, and the transmission does not show signs of wear. They are like new.

I've recorded the noise with a cellphone.
It 's more perceptible at second 21.

mp3 Download link:

Download xj6.mp3 from - send big files the easy way

The recording quality is not great, and don't give the idea of the real volume of the noise,
which is actually much higher.

Has anyone had the same problem?


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The problem is friction.Just maintain your chain extra if it worries you that much.If you've ridden a roller coaster before, just think about how the chain sounded while it pulled you up the first hill.It's the same thing happening on your bike.It just has a different tone moving at higher rpm.

Marthy has the solution...

All of this... lol

If it bothers you that much, jut get a new chain and make sure that you take extra care of it and you wont have to worry about replacing it anytime soon.

A chain should be cleaned and lubed regularly, how often, well that depends on how much you ride and the condition of the roads you ride on. If your chain looks like it has a coating of sand and chunks of road debris on it maybe it you need to rethink your cleaning time frames and do them sooner. Granted the lube is a bit of a magnet for junk to get on it but it's also easy to keep it from affecting the performance of the chain by regularly cleaning and lubing.

Cleaning should be done with kerosene (typically recommended by most manufactures as it doesn't harm the seals). Also use of a good stiff bristle brush is important to make sure you loosen and get all that nastiness off the chain. Then lube and use a good stiff brush to help make sure the lube gets into all the areas of the chain well and leave a nice reasonable layer on the chain surfaces. Be sure to work it into every side and crevice of the chain. Spending a few more minutes cleaning and lubing means not having to spend the time to replace the chain. Which can be a royal pain in the butt!

Also as already mentioned making sure the chain is aligned properly is paramount as well. If your chain is not straight it will cause excess pressure on the seals and end up causing them to wear much faster and allowing debris to get into the links causing it to get noisy or worse yet causing it to get rigid in places and if that happens failure is coming soon....
