Be prepared to tear up.... dare to read


Sentient Being
Elite Member

Harda toenail

New Member
Two semesters ago a girl in my class gave a presentation on this. It is rough. The entire class was uneasy. I was tearing for the first time in who knows how long


New Member
if the politicians and those who govern our country would take stories such as this to heart, then maybe they would take a step back and reflect on why they are elected into office, what it is they are doing with our tax money, and how the decisions they make every day directly affect our economy, well-being, and national security. and, maybe that might help put one less american life needlessly in harm's way...

maybe one less botched foreign policy decision could mean one less stupid dictator, terrorist, or war monger that we have to take out. maybe one less exploitative trade agreement might bring education, wealth, and development to other less-privileged countries and cultivate allies. maybe taking early military initiatives to extinguish threats before they grow into catastrophic crisis could save lives.

if the people with political power & wealth of our country actually had something personal to lose in all the stupid, idiotic, exploitative decisions they make, then maybe things will change. but, until that day... sigh =(


Touching .
I still say if two leaders have a beef with each other , they are put into a ring with weapons and they fight it out winner takes all . Bet it would stop a lot of wars . It is so easy to send people you don't know or really care about to do your dirty work . :mad:


Lord Humongous
Elite Member


New Member
omg....the tears are flowing. Im half a bottle into rumpleminz and now this....fml

every one of you servicmen I appreciate what you have done to no end, I envy your heart and souls to do what you do!
